UDSparklines is built off of react-sparklines to enable sparkline support for PowerShell Universal Dashboard.
Install from the PowerShell Gallery
Install-Module UniversalDashboard.Sparklines
To learn more about Universal Dashboard, visit PoshUd.com
To create a new sparkline within your dashboard, use New-UDSparkline.
Here's an example of creating a table with some sparklines in it.
New-UDTable -Title "Users" -Headers @("Name", "Emails per Day") -Endpoint {
Import-Module UniversalDashboard.Sparklines
[PSCustomObject]@{"Name" = "Adam"; Values = @(12,12,4,2,75,23,54,12); Color = "#234254"}
[PSCustomObject]@{"Name" = "Jon"; Values = @(2,42,33,21,11,3,32,9); Color = "#453423"}
[PSCustomObject]@{"Name" = "Bill"; Values = @(1,92,40,21,7,3,2,12); Color = "#923923"}
[PSCustomObject]@{"Name" = "Ted"; Values = @(112,11,41,2,5,63,74,12); Color = "#A43534"}
[PSCustomObject]@{"Name" = "Tommy"; Values = @(12,2,42,21,18,26,26,19); Color = "#593493"}
) | ForEach-Object {
Name = $_.Name
Sparkline = New-UDSparkline -Data $_.Values -Color $_.Color
} | Out-UDTableData -Property @("Name", "Sparkline")
It produces the following table in Universal Dashboard.
You need to install node.js to build UDSparklines. After installing node, you can run the build.ps1 to produce the output for the module.