ChancellorsOfGermany is an interactive infographic that visualizes the chancellors of germany with the help of a timeline. With the magnifying glass icons you can zoom in and out of the graphic and with the arrow icons you can move to the left and right to see different ranges of the timeline. When hovering over a chancellor you can see with which parties the chancellor has formed coalitions.
You can try it out yourself here.
The graphic was developed as part of the Infographic module in the fifth semester of my studies. It is written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
The graphic should run on most browsers. However, I have only tested it manually on Chrome, Firefox and Safari so far.
For developing the graphic I used data from the Wikipedia page for the chancellors of Germany since 1949 and the german federal governments.
The images I used are the following:
- Konrad Adenauer
- Ludwig Erhard
- Kurt Georg Kiesinger
- Willy Brandt
- Helmut Schmidt
- Helmut Kohl
- Gerhard Schröder
- Angela Merkel
- Olaf Scholz
For uniformity, all images are black and white. Moreover, the font I chose is OPTIMill. All icons were created with Affinity Designer by me.
I used the library vis-timeline for this project.
The library used in the project is licensed under Apache 2.0.
Feel free to get in contact and share your experience with ChancellorsOfGermany. Bug reports are also very appreciated.