For using this mips plugin, you need to have installed in your workspace plansys2.
Visit this Web Page for more information about instalation.
1º Clone this repository into your src workspace directory:
git clone
2º Move the plansys2_mips_plan_solver directory into the ros2_planning_system one:
mv $HOME/myworkspace/src/ros2_planning_system_mips/plansys2_mips_plan_solver $HOME/myworkspace/src/ros2_planning_system
3º Add the following lines at the end of the file plansys2_params.yaml located in ros2_planning_system/plansys2_bringup/params/ directory:
plugin: "plansys2/MIPSPlanSolver"
And change the default plugin:
plan_solver_plugins: ["MIPS"]
4º Compile your workspace:
cd ~/myworkspace
colcon build
5º Download the planner by clicking on mips-xxl.
6º Add to ~/.bashrc the location of the planner executable in MIPS_XXL variable. For example:
echo 'export MIPS_XXL=$HOME/bin/mips-xxl' >> ~/.bashrc
and open a new terminal.
7º Grant execution permissions.
chmod +x $MIPS_XXL
- :strips
- :typing
- :disjunctive-preconditions
- :equality
- :existential-preconditions
- :universal-preconditions
- :quantified-preconditions
- :conditional-effects
- :action-expansions
- :foreach-expansions
- :dag-expansions
- :domain-axioms
- :subgoal-through-axioms
- :safety-constraints
- :expression-evaluation
- :fluents
- :open-world
- :true-negation
- :adl
- :ucpop
- :numeric-fluents
- :durative-actions
- :continuous-effects
- :negative-preconditions
- :derived-predicates
- :timed-initial-literals
- :constraints
- :preferences
- :action-costs
- :goal-utilities
- Juan Carlos Manzanares Serrano - @Juancams
- Marina Gil Pensado - @marinagilpen
- Isabel Cebollada Gracia - @isacg5
- Noel Jimenez Garcia - @noel215