NIST LWC Hardware Reference Design of ISAP v2.0
- Hardware Design Group: Institute of Applied Information Processing and Communications, Graz, Austria
- Primary Hardware Designers:
- Robert Primas (, rprimas 'at'
- LWC candidate: ISAP
- LWC Hardware API version: 1.2.0
ISAP is a family of lightweight authenticated encryption algorithms designed with a focus on robustness against implementation attacks and reached the final round of the NIST Standardization Process for Lightweight Cryptography (2019-2023). ISAP is of particular interest for applications like firmware updates where robustness against power analysis and fault attacks is crucial while code size and a small footprint in hardware matters. ISAP's original version was published at FSE 2017.
- v1 :
isapa128av20 + asconhashv12, 32-bit interface, 1 permutation round per clock cycle
- v1_8bit :
isapa128av20 + asconhashv12, 8-bit interface, 1 permutation round per clock cycle
- v1_16bit :
isapa128av20 + asconhashv12, 16-bit interface, 1 permutation round per clock cycle
- v1_lowlatency :
isapa128av20 + asconhashv12, 32-bit interface, 2 permutation rounds per clock cycle
- v1_stp :
isapa128av20 + asconhashv12, 32-bit interface, 1 permutation round per clock cycle, StP-based tag verification
- v2 :
isapk128av20, 16-bit interface, 1 permutation round per clock cycle
: HDL sources and testbench
: Software reference implementation and Known-Answer-Test (KAT) generation scripts.
- Install the GHDL open-source VHDL simulator (tested with version 1.0 and 2.0):
sudo apt install ghdl
- Execute VHDL testbench for v1 (or other variants):
cd hardware/isap_lwc
make v1
- Install testvector generation scripts:
pip install software/cryptotvgen
- Compile ISAP software reference implementations:
cryptotvgen --prepare_libs --candidates_dir=software/isap_ref
- Locate testvector generation scripts:
cd software/cryptotvgen/examples
- Run (and optionally modify) a testvector generation script:
- Replace existing testvectors (KAT) of v1 with the newly generated ones:
mv testvectors/v1_32 testvectors/v1
rm -r ../../../hardware/isap_lwc/KAT/v1
mv testvectors/v1 ../../../hardware/isap_lwc/KAT
- Execute VHDL testbench for v1:
cd ../../../hardware/isap_lwc
make v1
This code base is based on version 1.2.0 of the LWC Hardware API Development Package that was mainly developed by the Cryptographic Engineering Research Group (CERG) at George Mason University (GMU).
Parts of the development package have been developed by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Technical University of Munich (TUM).
The ISAP-specific modifications have been developed by the Institute of Applied Information Processing and Communications (IAIK) at Graz University of Technology (TUG).