If you want to contact with me you can reach me at Email :: islamaiouni@gmail.com
For execute the Website you need run this after isntall xammp and run phpmyamdin and run datasbaese named islamda you can run http://localhost/ridex1/index.php
Welcome to the AlgeriaDiscoveryHuB project repository. This project is a web application developed using PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. It also uses phpMyAdmin for database management and is set up to run on XAMPP. THis project desgined to make your life easier. Help popele algerian or not algerian to make next trip plan easy in algeria with advanced search for any sites tourstqiue exist in agleria desginde with Easy and modern user interface for make you expresione in this website unique
and Also "Our website features an option to discover nearby tourist sites, allowing users to explore and uncover nearby tourist attractions directly from our platform."
the Databease in our website in phpMyAdmin named islamda you can create new databease and import our databease you can find it in file called databease.sql
To set up the project locally, follow these steps:
Download and Install XAMPP:
Clone the Repository:
Move the Project Files:
Move the cloned repository folder RideX1 into the htdocs directory of your XAMPP installation. Start XAMPP:
Open XAMPP Control Panel and start Apache and MySQL. Set Up the Database:
Open phpMyAdmin by navigating to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/. Create a new database named islamda. Import the provided SQL file (databease.sql) from the project folder into the newly created database. Running the Project To run the project, open your web browser and navigate to:
Technologies Used sql PHP: Server-side scripting language. MySQL: Relational database management system. JavaScript: Client-side scripting. HTML: Markup language for creating web pages. CSS: Style sheet language for designing web pages. Bootstrap: Front-end framework for responsive web design. phpMyAdmin: Tool for MySQL database management. XAMPP: Free and open-source cross-platform web server solution stack package. Notes Make sure your XAMPP server is running when you try to access the project in your web browser. Ensure that you have configured the database correctly in the config.php or similar configuration file. Feel free to contribute to this project by submitting pull requests or opening issues for any bugs or feature requests.
index.php : is the landign page for our website search.php : is the search page for our website details.php : is the detail page for our website header.php : is the header for our website favori.php : is the favorites page for our website assest folder contiet images for our website and some css
Thank you for using AlgeriaDiscoveryHub RideX1!