A UIView subclass that supports showing and selecting / deselecting items in bubble form with animation.
Copy PRGBubblesView folder into your project.
iOS >= 9.x Swift 3.0
- Add a UIView and change it's class to PRGBubblesView. You can use autolayout constraints.
- Create an IBOutlet and set the "elements" property of the BubblesView:
bubblesView.elements = ["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4", "Item 5", "Item 6"]
- You 're set! Just build and run the project!
let bubbleViewFrame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 20, width: view.bounds.width, height: view.bounds.height - 20)
let bubblesView = PRGBubblesView(frame: bubbleViewFrame, elements: ["Andres","Noel","Lewis","Judson","Edgardo","Jarred","Myles","Darren","Erasmo","Rhea","Monica","Jo","Dara","Selma","Garnet","Verena","My","Vera","Josefa"])
let bubblesView = PRGBubblesView(frame: bubbleViewFrame, elements: ["Andres","Noel","Lewis","Judson","Edgardo","Jarred","Myles","Darren","Erasmo","Rhea","Monica","Jo","Dara","Selma","Garnet","Verena","My","Vera","Josefa"], maxElementsPerRow: 5, bubbleTextFont: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 10), bubbleBGColor: UIColor(red:0.61, green:0.35, blue:0.71, alpha:1.0)
, bubbleStrokeColor: .clear, bubbleTextColor: .white, dividerColor: UIColor(red:0.61, green:0.35, blue:0.71, alpha:1.0))
open var elements: Array<String> // The total elements you want bubblesView to show
open var selectedElements: Array<String> // The elements you have selected
open var remainingElements: Array<String> // The remaining elements
open var allowsMultipleChoise: Bool // Wether the user can select multiple items or not. Default set to true
open var bubbleTextFont: UIFont // The font of the bubble text
open var bubbleTextColor: UIColor // The text color of unselected bubbles
open var selectedBubbleTextColor: UIColor // The text color of selected bubbles
open var bubbleBGColor: UIColor // The background color of unselected bubbles
open var selectedBubbleBGColor: UIColor // The background color of selected bubbles
open var bubbleStrokeColor: UIColor // The stroke color of unselected bubbles
open var selectedBubbleStrokeColor: UIColor // The stroke color of selected bubbles
open var dividerColor: UIColor // The color of the horizontal divider
John Spiropoulos
Arkadiusz Holko for the initial BendableView code.
PRGBubblesView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.