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What this is:

  • homebrew application operated via UART for the PowerPC CPU used by sony to replace the PS1 CPU on most slim models.
  • loader for the software mentioned before
  • toolchain install scripts for PowerPC compiled
  • Documentation (hosted on github pages)

What this not (yet):

  • A complete SDK
  • A PPC module loader


  • hardware
    • PS2 DECKARD: SCPH-75xxx (PS2TV Included)
    • 3.3V USB-TTL adapter
    • Connection to PowerPC UART (both TX and RX of course)
  • software


  1. Install PS2SDK build requirements if you haven't already. (gcc/clang, make, cmake, patch, git, etc)
  2. Make sure the PS2DEV environment variable is set. The toolchain buildscripts will install to the PS2DEV directory
  3. Build binutils and GCC for PPC either by doing
make toolchain

or running the following scripts

  1. Once the toolchain is built and installed you can simply run make in the root directory and both the patch and patch loader will be built
    you may need to add $PS2DEV/powerpc/bin to your $PATH
  2. Open a serial monitor of your choosing and set the baud rate to 57600. When the PS2 is powered on or reset "D E C K A R D compiled xxxxx" should appear in the serial monitor. If it does not, check your connection and ensure the baud is set correctly.
  3. Run patch_loader.elf via ps2link or any other means of launching homebrew. You should see the following in your serial monitor:
LUT resized and relocated
Welcome to PPC-MON v0.1

Special Thanks

  • @Wisi for allowing qnox32 to incorporate and build upon their work from dpLibMod. Without Wisi's initial work, none of this would exist.
  • Nocash for providing an invaluable resource for all things PS1 (

Other Projects Making Use of the PPC-IOP

  • dpLibMod HDD Emulator and set of PPC libraries for use with a custom CPLD by Wisi.
  • DKWDRV excellent PS1DRV replacement that someday will allow loading PS1 games via USB (by anonymous dev).
  • PPC-TTY An IOP module which redirects IOP printf to PPC-UART by asmblur.

Additional Resources