This project is an intricately crafted recreation, drawing inspiration from the globally acclaimed Taj Hotels. Built on Flask, and embellished with the artistry of CSS, it captures the essence of Taj’s luxury experience, featuring meticulously designed interfaces and user-friendly navigation. From exploring exquisite hotel locations to making seamless reservations, every aspect of the Taj experience is thoughtfully replicated. Whether you're admiring the majestic architecture or browsing through the plush room options, this project brings the world of Taj Hotels to your fingertips, offering a virtual journey into its legendary world of luxury and unparalleled service.
- Home Page: Showcases the elegance and opulence of Taj Hotels with high-quality images and promotional content.
- Hotel Listings: Detailed information about different Taj Group Hotels, including location, room types, facilities, and pricing.
- Interactive Maps: Integration with Leaflet to provide interactive maps displaying hotel locations for ease.
- Awards Page: A comprehensive list of awards and recognitions received by Taj Hotels.
- Validation and Error Handling: Robust validation for user inputs and comprehensive error handling to ensure a smooth user experience.
- Image Carousel: Uses SwiperJS to create responsive and touch-friendly image sliders.
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Backend: Flask (Python)
- Database: MySQL ( handled by phpMyAdmin )
- Database ORM: Flask SQLAlchemy
- Maps: Leaflet.js
- Carousel: Swiper JS
- Deployment:
- Clone the repo.
- Install virtual environment using the command
python -m venv venv
. - Activate the virtual environment using the command
. - Install the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
. - Run Xampp and start 'Apache' and 'MySql' Servers to activate database.
- Run the flask application using
flask run
- Navigate through the home page to explore the elegance of Taj Hotels.
- Browse the search bar to find the numerous Taj Hotels.
- Fill the form as per your specifications.
- Use the interactive maps to locate hotels.
- Enjoy a seamless user experience with robust input validation and comprehensive error handling.
Flask: Flask is a web framework that allows developers to build lightweight web applications quickly and easily with Flask Libraries. It is basically based on the WSGI toolkit and Jinja2 templating engine. View Documentation
Flask-SQLAlchemy: It as an extension for Flask that adds support for SQLAlchemy, a powerful SQL toolkit and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for Python. View Documentation