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Minecraft Server on Docker

Simple local Docker Image for Minecraft Server vanilla, papermc or custom server.jar (forge too).

How to download

Clone this repo:

git clone

Go to the project directory:

cd minecraft-docker

Make scripts executable:

chmod +x ./*.sh

Before start

Make .env file:

cp .env.example .env

Edit variables in .env file:

Name Default Description
JAVA_VERSION 17-jre-focal Select Java version
SERVER_NAME mcserver Specify container name
VOLUME_PATH ./server Specify local path to files
LINK empty Specify link to a custom server.jar (comment or leave empty if you will not use it)
TYPE papermc Select server type: vanilla or papermc (or forge see below)
VERSION 1.19.2 Select version e.g.: 1.19.2, 1.17.2
UID 1000 Specify the UID of user inside container (linux id command)
GID 1000 Specify the GID of user inside container (usually same as UID)
MINMEMORY 1G Specify initial memory (-Xmx)
MAXMEMORY 2G Specify maximum memory (-Xms)
PORT 25565 Specify server port

Example .env

JAVA_VERSION=17-jre-focal           #Select Java version
SERVER_NAME=mcserver                #Specify container name
VOLUME_PATH=./server                #Specify local path to files
#LINK=                              #Download server.jar from link (comment or leave empty if you will not use it)
TYPE=papermc                        #Select server type: vanilla or papermc
VERSION=1.19.2                      #Select version e.g. 1.19.2
UID=1000                            #Specify the UID of user inside container
GID=2000                            #Specify the GID of user inside container (usually same as UID)
MINMEMORY=1G                        #Specify initial memory (-Xmx)
MAXMEMORY=2G                        #Specify maximum memory (-Xms)
PORT=25565                          #Specify server port

If you want to use custom .jar file you need to place your server.jar inside /server directory and set TYPE to custom


VERSION, LINK will not work.

If you want to use forge put download link and change TYPE to forge


VERSION doesn't matter.

If you don't create an .env file the default value of variables will be used (via docker-compose.yaml)


How to start

You can use the script included in this repo:


or run it manually (this prevents duplication of images):

docker compose down --rmi all --remove-orphans
docker compose up -d --build

How to stop

You can use the script included in this repo:


or stop it manually:

docker compose down --rmi all --remove-orphans -t 20

How to attach to container

If you want to attach to container or just enter the console use the script:


or attach manually:

docker attach --detach-keys="@" mcserver

To detach press ctrl + 2 (@) or change --detach-keys="..." as you like.

Only logs (non-interactive)

If you want to see only console logs use the script:


or do it manually:

docker logs --follow mcserver


Inspired and based on Docker Minecraft by mtoensing and docker-minecraft-server by itzg.