npm install
node core/blockchain.js
It is a very basic implementation of how blockchain works, mainly how the bitcoin blockchain. It is easy as compared to Ethereum because ETH did more complex transactions as compared to Bitcoin. but the underlying tech is almost the same.
the main part of a blockchain
- hash function
here we used sha256
- block
- block header
- blockchain
it generates the figerprint for your data for example if data is "anish" => sha256("ansih") => 085e34e043a0cd8433abb5b780e37596a2578985d24bec4cefacfd9e32ba5bdb
sha256 is a really powerful cryptographic function that is used by Bitcoin as well
Block is used to contain the transaction data block. like - block height/block number - block size - block header
it is something which contains all the info about the block like version, previous block hash, timestamp,
Markerl root
, andbits
Merkerl root is a combination of all transactions is a very easy term watch this video for more info @ivan's
still in doubt @anni Bhai please explain
- inside block chain we have Genesis block aka the first block is a blockchain
- and add block function which is used to add block into the chain
watch this video for more understanding and python implementation