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itzjustZJ123 edited this page Oct 31, 2023 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Discord Prank Script Repository, where you can discover a collection of fun and harmless bookmarklet virus recreations for you to play around with. We've gathered some super funny pranks, including a recreation of the classic "," to scare your friends.

Rainbow Screen - rainbow_screen.js

Transform your screen into a vibrant display of colors. Watch as the entire page warp with a weird rainbow effect, adding a pop of joy to your browsing experience.

Crazy Spin - crazy_spin.js

Get ready for a dizzying adventure! This script will make the page spin uncontrollably, leaving you and your friends in stitches as you try to navigate the topsy-turvy world of the web.

Fake Error Popup Prank - fake_error_popup_prank.js

Surprise your friends with a harmless dose of panic! Trigger a fake error popup that will make them question their computer's stability, only to reveal it's all in good fun.

YouAreAnIdiot Prank - youareanidiot_prank.js

Revive a classic internet prank with our recreation of "" Tease your pals with this familiar scare, which brings back fond PTSD of internet terror.

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