C. elegans connectome in CSV form.
Data from Eli Shlizerman and Jimin Kim (https://github.com/shlizee/C-elegans-Neural-Interactome).
Based on the original data from Varshney et. al 2011 (https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1001066).
Adjacency Matrices for chemical synapses and gap junctions in CSV format.
- 2217 Chemical synapses.
- Inhibitory synapses represented as negative elements.
- 1080 bidirectional gap junctions.
- Forced bidirectionality by adding 15 gap junctions to make the original data symmetrical.
- 1050 bidirectional gap junctions.
- Forced bidirectionality by removing the 15 non-symmetric gap junctions from the original data.
- Names of the neurons in the order they appear in the adjacency matrices.