#Paveway Iblood api project
The api is bulid with python using the flask libary and the flask-restful extension The database is build using flask-sqlalchemy
Clone the repositorty to a folder
git clone https://github.com/ivan-tana/iblood-api.git
cd iblood-api
create a virtual enviroment in your terminal
virtualenv venv
for linux
source venv/bin/activate
for windows
run "pip install -r requirements.txt" to install all the libaries and dependacies used in the project
pip install -r requirements.txt
run "export FLASK_APP=api" to tell flask where the app is located"
export FLASK_APP=api
run "flask create_tables" to create all the database tables
flask create_tables
There are two way you can run the app if you have run the export FLASK_APP command then you can simply run "flask run" to run the api
flask run" to run the api
you can also run the app by using the command "python run.py" to run the run.py file, if you are using linux you may need to run "python3 run.py"
python3 run.py
Note: The request send to the sever except for the login and create user route must all contain an access token in the header of the request
Creating a new user a count is done in two steps first the user auth and then the user profile User auth The user profile is created by posting a json object to /signup The json object most contain the following infomations
- password
"password": "userpassword"
If the account is created successfully the response will contain an auth token generated using the username and password and a 200 status code
"token": "token string"
If the user account alrady exist this will result in responce with a 404 status code and a message indicating the user accounts already exists
"message" :"could not create user"
After the user account is created an auth token is generated using the user email and password and sent back as a responce in the HTTP basic auth header
The auth token should be used for any request by the account it was generated fro, each token expires ofter 3 days
With the user account created the auth token received can be us to identify the user on the server User profile The user profile is created by posting a json token with the auth token in the HTTP header to /profile
The user profile token should contain the following
- first_name
- last_name
- birthday
- blood_type
- image_url
"first_name": "user first name",
"last_name": "user last name",
"birthday": "user birthday",
"blood type": "user blood type",
"image url": "user profile image link"
the user profile can be updated by sending a post request to the /profile with all the infomation field in and an edit to the field you want to edit
Example editing the user name { "first_name": "user first name edited", "last_name": "user last name", "birthday": "user birthday", "blood type": "user blood type", "image url": "user profile image link" }
To view the user name send a post request to the user/profile link and you will get the user profile information
"first_name": "user first name",
"last_name": "user last name",
"birthday": "user birthday",
"blood type": "user blood type",
"image url": "user profile image link"
if the user profile has been deleted or not created you will get a response with the fileds fro the user information left blank
"first_name": "",
"last_name": "",
"birthday": "",
"blood type": "",
"image url": ""
After the admin has verified and approved the account then the user can create and fullfile blood requests