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/ / So you are telling me I can use Lightning from Ruby now? ⚡️
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A Ruby library to talk to Lightning Nodes
gem install lightning_network
Now we need to configure environment variables for:
- admin.macaroons : ENV['lnd_macaroon']
- cert.tls : ENV['lnd_cert']
- Lightning Network Node : ENV['lnd_host']
require 'lightning_network'
irb(main):002:0> ENV["lnd_host"] = "lightning:10009"
=> "lightning:10009"
irb(main):006:0> ENV["lnd_cert"] = "./tls.cert"
=> "./tls.cert"
irb(main):009:0> ENV["lnd_macaroon"] = "./admin.macaroon"
=> "./admin.macaroon"
irb(main):012:0> Node.new.get_info
=> ⚡️
We curently fully support LND.
We use Macaroons and the certificate generated by lnd to authenticate. See Node.rb.
- Yard Documentation for:
- Node::Payments
- Node::Channels
- Node::OnChain
- Node::Peers
- Node::Wallet
We fully support lnd-cli with a Ruby like API. For example:
Node::OnChain.new.send_coins(address, number)
The following is the help from ln-cli. We wrapped most of the commands below with a Ruby like syntax.
* getinfo Returns basic information related to the active daemon.
- debuglevel Set the debug level.
- stop Stop and shutdown the daemon.
- help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
- create Initialize a wallet when starting lnd for the first time.
- unlock Unlock an encrypted wallet at startup.
p getchaninfo Get the state of a channel.
p queryroutes Query a route to a destination.
p fwdinghistory Query the history of all forwarded HTLCs.
* payinvoice Pay an invoice over lightning.
* sendpayment Send a payment over lightning.
* addinvoice Add a new invoice.
* lookupinvoice Lookup an existing invoice by its payment hash.
* decodepayreq Decode a payment request.
* listinvoices List all invoices currently stored.
* listpayments List all outgoing payments.
p openchannel Open a channel to a node or an existing peer.
* closechannel Close an existing channel.
* closeallchannels Close all existing channels.
* channelbalance Returns the sum of the total available channel balance across all open chans
* pendingchannels Display information pertaining to pending channels.
* listchannels List all open channels.
* getnetworkinfo Get statistical information about the current state of the network.
* feereport Display the current fee policies of all active channels.
- updatechanpolicy Update the channel policy for all channels, or a single channel.
* sendmany Send bitcoin on-chain to multiple addresses.
* sendcoins Send bitcoin on-chain to an address.
* listchaintxns List transactions from the wallet.
* Peers:
* connect Connect to a remote lnd peer.
* disconnect Disconnect a remote lnd peer identified by public key.
* listpeers List all active, currently connected peers.
* describegraph Describe the network graph.
* getnodeinfo Get information on a specific node.
* newaddress Generates a new address.
* walletbalance Compute and display the wallet's current balance.
* signmessage Sign a message with the node's private key.
* verifymessage Verify a message signed with the signature.