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Solana APIs are Fun! A casual game for Solana nerds. Are you ready for a battle against any hash account? No need to connect any wallet.

  • Fast, open and free: Lightning fast Solana on-chain data. Open and free forever.
  • Surfacing the Signal: Profiling transactions, domains, and subdomains.
  • Discovering opportunities in a friendly way: Performing due diligence while having fun in the Solana ecosystem.

A challenge sponsored by SolanaFM Made for the Encode x Solana Hackathon sponsored by the Solana Foundation.

Live website

You can find the Crypto Battle Fun live website at

Video pitch

This is the video pitch that you can find here in the repo or you can download it from

Game Instructions

  • Enter a Solana account hash for each player and submit. Each player is an instance and we will get the points count for each instance. The points are the sum of the number of transactions, domains, subdomains, and favourite domains.

  • Click the Battle button

  • And check the results: the winner and the loser or just a tie. The winner is the player with more points.

You can also check the latest transactions for each player.

SolanaFM APIs

The SolanaFM APIs are free of charge but usages are gated by a rate-limiting middleware. But to increase the rate limits we have generated our own API Keys to authenticate each request.

The API keys carry many privilegees, so be sure to keep them secured! Do Your Own Research. Do not share, do not save in publicly accessible areas such as GitHub, client-side code 😉, and so forth. The APIs are used here only for having fun while participating in the hackathon.

SolanaFM API endpoints used

  • Get a specific account

    GET -{hash} This endpoint returns you the account data related to the account that you queried for given the account hash

    To get the friendly name of an account hash.

  • Get Transactions Of An Account

    GET -{hash}/transactions Retrieve a list of finalised transactions that the account is involved in Please not that the maximum number of transactions retrieved per batch is 1000

    To get the transactions of an account hash.

  • Get Domain/Subdomains Owned By An Account

    GET -{hash} This endpoint retrieves all domains and subdomains owned by the provided account hash

    To get the domains of an account hash.

  • Get User's Favourite Domains

    GET -{hash}

    This endpoint returns you a list of domains that are set as favourite by the account hash provided

    To get the favourite domains of an account hash.

  • Get An Account's Subdomains

    GET -{hash}

    This endpoint returns you subdomains that are owned by the given account hash

    To get the subdomains of an account hash.

What are Bonfida Domains

Solana domains are a feature in the Solana blockchain that provides a human-readable way of identifying resources in the network. Instead of using complex addresses, users can register and use domain names to represent their accounts, contracts, or services. This simplifies the process of sending transactions, accessing decentralised applications, and sharing information on the Solana network.

Tech Stack

React + Vite

This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.

Currently, two official plugins are available:


The code is licensed under a MIT License.