A JavaScript + Python like array in C++.
This project uses CMake as its build system. A Makefile is provided for convenience to simplify the build process.
- C++ compiler with C++20 support
- CMake (version 3.10 or higher)
- Make (optional, for using the provided Makefile)
library for formatting stringsCatch2
framework for unit testing
You can build the project using either CMake directly or the provided Makefile.
To build the project:
make build
To run tests:
make test
To clean the build directory:
make clean
For help on available commands:
make help
Create a build directory:
mkdir build && cd build
Configure the project:
cmake ..
Build the project:
cmake --build .
Run tests:
Constructor | Performance | Description |
array() |
O(1) | Initializes a new empty array. |
array(n) |
O(1) | Initializes a new array of size n . |
array(n, value) |
O(n) | Initializes a new array of size n with the given value. |
array(list) |
O(n) | Initializes a new array with list initialization. |
Method | Performance | Description |
unshift(value): void |
O(n) | Adds a new value to the beginning of this array. |
shift(): T |
O(1) | Removes the value from the beginning of this array and returns it. |
push(value): void |
Amortized O(1) | Adds a new value to the end of this array. |
pop(value): T |
O(1) | Removes the value from the end of this array and returns it. |
at(index): T |
O(1) | Returns the element at the given index with bound checking. |
at(index, value) |
O(1) | Sets the value at the given index with bound checking. |
for_each((value, index?) -> void): void |
O(n) | Iterates through each value in this array. |
filter((value, index?) -> bool): array<T> |
O(n) | Filters this array and returns a new array based on a condition. |
map((value, index?) -> T): array<T> |
O(n) | Maps each value in this array and returns a new array of type T . |
map<U>((value, index?) -> T): array<U> |
O(n) | Maps each value in this array and returns a new array of type U . |
reduce((accumulator, current, index?) -> T): T |
O(n) | Reduces the values in this array into a single output value of type T . |
reduce((accumulator, current, index?) -> T, initial): T |
O(n) | Reduces the values in this array into a single output value of type T . |
reduce<U>((accumulator, current, index?) -> U, initital): U |
O(n) | Reduces the values in this array into a single output value of type U . |
reverse(): array<T> |
O(n) | Reverses the values in this array and returns a new array. |
slice(index): array<T> |
O(n) | Returns a new array with the values from the specified index. |
slice(begin, end): array<T> |
O(n) | Returns a new array with the values from the specified range. |
join(): string |
O(n) | Returns a string of this array using , as the default separator. |
join(separator): string |
O(n) | Returns a string of this array using a provided separator. |
size(): size_type |
O(1) | Returns the number of elements in this array. |
capacity(): size_type |
O(1) | Returns the capacity of the array. |
empty(): bool |
O(1) | Returns true if this array is empty. |
begin(): iterator |
O(1) | Returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the array. |
end(): iterator |
O(1) | Returns an iterator referring to the past-the-end element in the array container. |
Operator | Performance | Description |
a[index] |
O(1) | Overloads [] to select elements from this array. |
a + b |
O(n + m) | Concatenates two arrays of sizes n and m. |
a += b |
O(n + m) | Concatenates two arrays of sizes n and m and assigns it to a . |
a = { ... } |
O(n) | Assigns the values in a list to a . |
a * n |
O(n * m) | Repeats the values in this array of size n, m times. |
a *= n |
O(n * m) | Repeats the values in this array of size n, m times and assigns it to a . |
ostream << a |
O(n) | Outputs the contents of the array to the given output stream. |
#include <iostream>
#include <array.hpp>
using namespace stdlib;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
int main() {
array<int> a;
// Insert elements at the end
// Print out the elements
cout << "a: " << a << endl;
// Iterate through the array
a.for_each([](auto x, auto i) {
cout << "a: " << i << " - " << x << endl;
array<int> b;
cout << "b: " << b << endl;
// Concatenate two arrays
// Note: It does not mutate 'a' or 'b'
auto c = a + b;
cout << "c (a + b): " << c << endl;
// Concatenate and assign
// Note: It does mutate 'a'
a += c;
cout << "a (a + c): " << a << endl;
// Repeat the elements 'n' times
cout << "b * 3: " << b * 3 << endl;
// Insert the element to the front of the list
cout << "a: " << a << endl;
// Initialize with list initialization
array<int> d = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
// Get a sub list within the range
auto e = d.slice(1, 3);
cout << "e: " << e << endl;
// Get a sub list using a negative index
auto f = d.slice(-1);
cout << "f: " << f << endl;
// Use a range-based for loop to iterate through the array
for (auto& n : f) {
cout << n << endl;
return 0;