- Tutorial of how to use Amazon Web Services to process big data using a Hadoop cluster.
First of all, extract some data from Twitter api:
python3 > big_data.txt
To run in local:
python3 ./big_data.txt > output.txt
To run in a Hadoop cluster using AWS:
ssh -i Ireland.pem *your cluster*
sudo update-alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python3.4
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install mrjob
mkdir project
cd project/
scp -i Ireland.pem mrjob.conf *your cluster*:project
scp -i Ireland.pem *your cluster*:project
scp -i Ireland.pem AFIN-111.txt *your cluster*:project
scp -i Ireland.pem States-USA.csv *your cluster*:project
Then upload your file big_data.txt to a S3 bucket, create a dir to your output and run:
python3 -r emr *your S3 path file*/big_data.txt --conf-path mrjob.conf --states=States-USA.csv --dic=AFINN-111.txt --output-dir=*your S3 path output* --instance-type m3.xlarge --num-core-instances 2 --region eu-west-1