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Mahmoud Ben Hassine edited this page Sep 24, 2020 · 5 revisions

A RecordWriter writes the payload of a record to a data sink. Easy Batch comes with common record writers to write data to a variety of data sinks:

  • Databases
  • Files
  • JMS queues
  • The standard output/error
  • etc

Record writers write the payload of records to the data sink, except the BlockingQueueRecordWriter which writes the record itself (and not its payload) to the target queue.

Here is a table of built-in writers and how to use them:

Data sink Writer Module
Output stream OutputStreamRecordWriter easybatch-core
Standard output StandardOutputRecordWriter easybatch-core
Standard error StandardErrorRecordWriter easybatch-core
File FileRecordWriter easybatch-core
MsExcel File MsExcelRecordWriter easybatch-msexcel
String StringRecordWriter easybatch-core
Collection CollectionRecordWriter easybatch-core
Relational database JdbcRecordWriter easybatch-jdbc
Relational database JpaRecordWriter easybatch-jpa
Relational database HibernateRecordWriter easybatch-hibernate
MongoDB MongoDBRecordWriter easybatch-mongodb
BlockingQueue BlockingQueueRecordWriter easybatch-core
BlockingQueue RoundRobinBlockingQueueRecordWriter easybatch-core
BlockingQueue ContentBasedBlockingQueueRecordWriter easybatch-core
BlockingQueue RandomBlockingQueueRecordWriter easybatch-core
Jms Queue JmsQueueRecordWriter easybatch-jms
Jms Queue RoundRobinJmsQueueRecordWriter easybatch-integration
Jms Queue ContentBasedJmsQueueRecordWriter easybatch-integration
Jms Queue RandomJmsQueueRecordWriter easybatch-integration
Jms Queue BroadcastJmsQueueRecordWriter easybatch-integration

Considerations and hints

  • The JdbcRecordWriter handles database transactions. A transaction will be created and committed/rolled back after each batch.

  • The JpaRecordWriter expects a Java object as input and not a Record. Make sure to map records to your domain object type before passing them to the JpaRecordWriter. The JpaRecordWriter handles database transactions. A transaction will be created and committed/rolled back after each batch.

  • The HibernateRecordWriter expects a Java object as input and not a Record. Make sure to map records to your domain object type before passing them to the HibernateRecordWriter. This writer handles database transactions. A transaction will be created and committed/rolled back after each batch.

Handling data writing failures

Sometimes, the data sink may be temporarily unavailable. In this case, the record writer will fail to write data and the job will be aborted. The RetryableRecordWriter can be used to retry writing data using a delegate RecordWriter with a RetryPolicy.

Job job = new JobBuilder()
    .writer(new RetryableRecordWriter(unreliableDataSinkWriter, new RetryPolicy(5, 1, SECONDS)))

This will make the writer retries at most 5 times waiting one second between each attempt. If after 5 attempts the data sink is still unreachable, the job will be aborted.

Batch scanning

When activated, batch scanning will be kicked in when an exception occurs during the batch writing. Records will be attempted to be written one by one as a singleton batch. This allows to skip faulty records and continue the job execution instead of failing the entire job at the first failed batch.

Heads up❗️: This feature works well with transactional writers where a failed write operation can be re-executed without side effects. However, a known limitation is that when used with a non-transactional writer, items might be written twice (like in the case of a file writer where the output stream is flushed before the exception occurs). To prevent this, a manual rollback action should be done in BatchListener#onBatchWritingException method.

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