Task 1–1: Klaytn Online Lecture Subtitle Translation
Klaytn Online Lecture Subtitles: You can check out the Klaytn lectures on YouTube or Inflearn.
Languages: Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Korean *Should you prefer to work with any other languages, feel free to let us know by writing to us at [community@klaytn.com].
Contribution Steps:
- Go to GitHub (Task 1–1 Klaytn Online Lecture Subtitle Translation).
- Commit translated work in the language folder you want to translate. Choose one of the language folders and start translating the English version into the designated language.
- Translate based on the English text in the ‘English’ folder. *Please do not change anything in the ‘English’ folder.
- Feel free to provide feedback and suggest other amendments if needed. We encourage you to collaborate amongst yourselves.
- Your pull requests will be reviewed and merged by our team.
Range of Bounties: 4,000 KLAY* *This is based on the full translation of 1 language. You will be rewarded based on several criteria including the portion of your contribution, being the first contributor, and contributing as the second revision translator, etc.
- Start: 2019.06.05 Deadline: 2019.07.26
- Please don’t change anything in the ‘English’ folder.
- We may consider giving the commit approval permission to an active user in the long term.
- Once all the translations are finished, the final results will be applied to the subtitles of Klaytn YouTube videos.