Collection of algorithms & data structures across a multitude of languages.
- map: Apply a function to each element in an iterable.
- reduce: Accumulate a list into a scalar.
- flatten: Join arbitrarily nested arrays into a single array. Think of getting the leaves from a tree.
- collapse: Like flatten, but with a reduction at each level to one final.
- level: Like flatten, but handles scalars mixed in amongst the lists.
- merge: Given n lists, emit lists of size n, with one value from each passed list.
- min: For each item, emit the smallest value seen up to that item's index.
- max: Inverse of min.
- sample: Emit values according to a selector function.
Courtesy of NIST
- Bag: An unordered collection of values that may have duplicates.
- Dictionary: An abstract data type storing items, accessed by a key.
- Priority Queue: Fast access to the min/max value.
- Queue (FIFO)
- Set: Unordered collection of unique values.
- Stack (LIFO)
- Core
- Linked List
- Dynamic (resizable) Array
- Ring Buffer
- Hash Set
- Hash Map w/ chaining
- Binary Heap
- Binary Search Tree
- Prefix tree/Trie
- Supplementary
- LRU Cache
- Union-Find
- B-Tree
- Suffix tree
- Bloom Filter
- Graph
- BFS thru matrix
- DFS w/ cycle detection
- DFS thru matrix
- Topological Sort using Tarjan's Algorithm
- Dijkstra's Algorithm (w/o decrease-key)
- Binary Search
- Randomized Quick Sort
- Mergesort
- Longest Common Subsequence
- Knapsack
Given SIMD, could you have a map
that acts on vectors in parallel? Not only
that, but could you compile the map to use different sized vector operations
depending on the architecture?
Project Idea: Automatic Big-O calculator. Execute the function under different combinations of parameters, benchmarking time. From this graph, deduce the best fit for the data.
Project: Make the graph of ADTs to the methods they implement. Nodes: methods, ADTs. Edges: Has (ADT->method), Using (method->method). The Wikipedia entries on specific ADTs would be helpful.