Suffragium is a real time voting app where you can create your poll and get results instantly visualizing data in a way you've never done before! Suffragium is the best way to vote any quick decision and get the results at your hands.
You need to have installed NodeJS with npm, bower and MongoDB, then run commands: npm install
and bower install
You need to create an .env file in the project root with the following environment variables configured:
Mongodb path and database to use, this example uses a local database, but of course you can use any remote mongoDB, I recommend using mlab if you're new to web development.
Secret key to encrypt cookies:
Secret word to encrypt users' passwords:
$ npm start
All dependencies will be installed automatically
$npm run dev
$npm dev:debug
The server part has multiple API endpoints using several routes:
-> Serves the internal data of polls and users./auth
-> Serves the authentication options, register and login.
- angular: 1.6.4
- angular-route: 1.6.6
- angular-jwt: 0.1.9
- browserify: 14.4.0
- bower: 1.8.0
- materialize: 0.100.1
- font-awesome: 4.7.0
- 2.0.3
- angular: 1.6.4
- 2.0.3
- dotenv: 4.0.0
- express: 4.15.4
- express-jwt: 5.3.0
- jsonwebtoken: 7.4.3
- mongoose: 4.11.7
- passport: 0.4.0
- passport-jwt: 3.0.0
- passport-local: 1.0.0
- passport-local-mongoose: 4.2.1