James Coggan's Personal webpage
Based on the Labrador Jekyll Theme
+-- .gitignore
+-- .htaccess
+-- _config.yml
+-- blog.md
+-- en.md
+-- pt.md
+-- _data
+-- lang
¦ +-- [language_code].json
+-- social.json
+-- _includes
+-- general
¦ +-- blog
+-- sections
+-- _layouts
+-- _posts
+-- assets
+-- css
| +-- blog
| +-- sass
+-- fonts
+-- img
+-- js
+-- media
On _includes folder are located the componentes used on this theme.
There is two folders:
- general where are located the general componentes, like header, footer, menu, language change, social links and blog elements.
- sections where are located the blocks of each section of front page (single-paged).
The blog posts are located in _posts folder, each file, need this header:
layout: post
date: [POST_DATE]
tags: [TAG1],[TAG2]
permalink: /blog/:year/:month/:day/:title/ --> [THIS_PERMALINK_PATTERN_CAN_BE_CHANGE_AS_YOU_DESIRE]
The image: variable is used with a placeholder in the middle of content as you desire.
This folder contains the resources for posts, like images, documents, etc.
Open sourced under the MIT license.CENSE.md).