For designing custom picklists (csv
) for a Labcyte Echo acoustic liquid handler - to be imported into Labcyte Echo Plate Reformat as a region definitions in custom mode.
Designing weird picklists can be tricky so echo
aims to make it a bit easier.
The Echo accepts a csv
as a picklist for fluid transfer with the format:
Source Well | Dest Well | Transfer Volume |
A1 | B4 | 2.5 |
A2 | C4 | 1500 |
A2 | B5 | 40.5 |
Where the transfer volume is in nl and must be a multiple of 2.5. Additional columns can include Source Plate Name
and Destination Plate Name
for using multiple plates.
Different source plate types are available and have different minimum and maximum volumes, outside of which the Echo will return an error and not dispense from that well.
Source Plate Type | N Wells | Min vol | Max vol |
ldv 384 | 384 | 2.5 | 12.5 |
384 pp | 384 | 15? | 65? |
DMSO tray | 6 | ? | ? |
This causes some constraints and can mean that one compound might need to be aliquot into multiple wells to serve the destination plate, which I found tricky to script.
keeps track of plate objects and the contents of their wells to generate picklists. It relies on the user specifying which compounds and how much are in the source plate (echo.Src
) wells. Individual wells in the plate can be addressed to transfer a specified volume to a destination well, but an a compound and all wells containing it can also be addressed, where after one well runs down to the minimum volume, the next well is then used and so on. Handy.
import echo
src = echo.SrcPlate(name='src1',ldv=True)
dest = echo.DestPlate(name='dest1')
for i,j,k in zip(echo.vwells,
cpd = echo.Cpd(name=j, vol=100)
for i,j in zip(src[:3],dest):
xfer_record = pd.DataFrame(src.xfer_record)
SrcPlate | Cpd | SrcWell | Destination Plate Name | DestWell | Transfer Volume /nl | |
0 | src1 | ['cpd1'] | A1 | dest1 | A1 | 1500 |
1 | src1 | ['cpd2'] | A2 | dest1 | A2 | 1500 |
2 | src1 | ['cpd3'] | A3 | dest1 | A3 | 1500 |