pip install -e .
The following section details how to ingest data into a local folder on freia with UDA.
- Parse the metadata for all signals and sources for a list of shots with the following command
mpirun -n 16 python3 -m src.create_uda_metadata data/uda campaign_shots/tiny_campaign.csv
mpirun -np 16 python3 -m src.main data/local campaign_shots/tiny_campaign.csv --metadata_dir data/uda --source_names amc xsx --file_format nc
Files will be output in the NetCDF format to data/local
The following section details how to ingest data into the s3 storage on freia with UDA.
- Parse the metadata for all signals and sources for a list of shots with the following command
mpirun -n 16 python3 -m src.create_uda_metadata data/uda campaign_shots/tiny_campaign.csv
This will create the metadata for the tiny campaign. You may do the same for full campaigns such as M9
- Run the ingestion pipleline by submitting the following job:
mpirun -np 16 python3 -m src.main data/local campaign_shots/tiny_campaign.csv --bucket_path s3://mast/test/shots --source_names amc xsx --file_format zarr --upload --force
This will submit a job to the freia job queue that will ingest all of the shots in the tiny campaign and push them to the s3 bucket.