Inspired by jdhao/nvim-config.
This project aims to configure NeoVim to become a powerful code editor, with the following features:
- Convenient editing / movement keymaps
- Plugin management with Lazy.nvim
- Fancy UI (lualine, bufferline, nvim-tree) and colorscheme (custom catppuccin flavour based on Amoled)
- Fast file finding with telescope.nvim
- LaTeX / Markdown previewer (vimtex, markdown-preview)
- Easy language server installation with mason
- Powerful LSP utilities with lspsaga
- Modern folds with nvim-ufo
- Auto completion with nvim-cmp
- Snippets with luasnip
- Syntatical (based on treesitter) and semantical (based on lsp semantic token) highlighting
- Session management with neovim-session-manager
- ...And more
- Install neovim >= 0.9 for semantic tokens
- Clone this repo to
vim.api.nvim_err_writeln('test') -- print error
vim.json.encode(obj) -- object to easy-to-read text = yyy -- for let g:xxx = yyy
vim.keymap.set / del(...) -- define key mapping