This project has the objective of helper to the people working at home if exercise.
This project is based on a course of Reactjs by Rocketseat
Demo | Getting started | Challenges | Technologies
Some environment variables are used in the project, create a file .env
MONGODB_URI= your url of database
SECRET_TOKEN= token jwt
install the dependencies:
$ npm i or yarn
run in environment development:
$ npm run dev or yarn dev
run tests unit:
$ npm run test:unit:watch or yarn test:unit:watch
run tests e2e:
$ npm run test:e2e or yarn test:e2e
This Project run on port 3000
Challenges completed:
- Create page of login
- Create page of leaderboard
- Create a menu to navigate in the application
- Create theme dark
- Create a template responsive
- Create tests unit and e2e
This project contains those technologies:
Made by Janapc 🤘 Get in touch!