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Coding with aniMeta

Jan Berger edited this page Mar 3, 2022 · 9 revisions

# How-to code with aniMeta


aniMeta was primarily designed to be an interactive tool for users to rig characters. However, it has useful classes, methods and commands that users may wish to use and/or explore in a procedural context. Some examples of what can be found in aniMeta:

  • Skin Weights Import/Export commands
  • Skin Weights mirroring commands
  • Geometry mirroring tools
  • Transformation mirroring
  • Hierarchy Import/Export

Getting started

In order to use the commands within aniMeta, the actual plug-in needs to be loaded. Do this via the plug-in manager or via code:

import maya.cmds as mc  
mc.loadPlugin( '' )  

If loading the plug-in was successful, the commands can be used like regulat maya commands in MEL or Python, a python example to export a skinCluster:

mc.aniMetaSkinExport( mesh='mySkinnedMesh', file='D:/mySkinWeightsFile.json' )  

In order to use the aniMeta python module, make sure it can be found in your python environemnt like other packages and modules, if you are not sure, load the aniMeta plug-in and then the aniMeta module will be added to your current environment. You can start using the module by importing it:

import aniMeta  
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