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Releases: janishar/JPost

Auto subscriber removal after garbage collection

10 Oct 09:57
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The subscribers will now be removed automatically when it has been garbage collected.

Channel broadcast privacy condition implemented

03 Oct 11:35
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Only the subscribers of a private channel can send/receive messages over it.

Java and Android version of JPost

30 Sep 20:16
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JPost will now come in two flavours.

  1. Java version(java-jpost): It contains all the functionality of 0.0.1.
  2. Android version (android-jpost): it contains all the functionality of java-jpost and in addition will contain android specific implementations for functionality and optimization.

1st release of the library

25 Sep 09:07
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Communication between java classes in efficient, modular and channel based model

1st release

24 Sep 21:19
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1st release Pre-release

This release contains the core library functionality