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A docker compose project with Hashicorp Boundary/Vault/Terraform + OIDC information from GitHub/GitLab over Keycloak + Credential Brokering with Vault + Vault SSH OTP using vault-ssh-helper

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Boundary + Vault + Keycloak

This is a repository I used for testing Boundary and Vault. It was created as a part of a RVP ("Racunalništvo v Praksi") project at UL FRI LJ. It is publicly available since at the time of writing little to no documentation exists on how to use Boundary or even Boundary with Vault. Prior to this project, I had no experience with Boundary and little experience with Vault & Terraform, so some of the things I did might not be the best way to do them. Please note that this is definitely not a production ready setup (Vault is even running in unsealed development mode) rather a proof of concept and a way to learn / test Boundary.


Project overview

The idea was to create a setup where users can connect to "VM"s using Boundary. The setup is completely dockerized and uses Terraform to configure Boundary/Vault/Keycloak. The setup is loosely based on a network configuration we used in one of the faculty courses (RK "Računalniške Komunikacije").

  • Boundary: handles authentication and authorization, and provides a CLI and UI for connecting to resources. Running on localhost:9200
  • Vault: handles secrets and provides a mechanism for generating one-time passwords (OTP) for SSH connections. Running on localhost:8200. Since this is a proof of concept, Vault is running in unsealed development mode. The token is root.
  • Keycloak: Acts as an identity provider for Boundary. It provides a way to authenticate users using GitHub and GitLab accounts. It also provides a way to manage users and groups. Running on localhost:8080. The credentials are admin:admin.
  • PostgreSQL: Database for Keycloak and Boundary. Running on localhost:5432. The credentials are root:changeme. 2 Additional databases are created for Boundary and Keycloak using the configs/postgres/docker_postgres_init.sql script.
  • 4 "Virtual Machines" on a "private" network. The idea is they can only be accessed over Boundary:
    • VM01: Uses a static username&password to authenticate. Credentials are stored inside Vault.
    • VM02: Uses public key authentication. The private key is stored inside Vault.
    • VM03&VM04: Uses a one-time password (OTP) to authenticate. The OTP is generated by Vault and fetched on the VMS using ssh-vault-helper


Required software:

  • docker
  • terraform
  • free ports 9200, 9201, 9202, 8200, 8080, 5432

This stack pulls user information from GitHub and GitLAb. As such, you need to register a Github / GitLab oAuth app to connect it with Keycloak.

Create a terraform/.env.local file with the following content:

# GitHub OAuth2 Client ID and Secret

# GitLab OAuth2 Client ID and Secret

How to run

To start the stack

docker-compose up

Please wait a little, until all migrations are applied and Keycloak starts. Then apply the terraform configuration:

cd terraform
terraform init  # First time only
terraform apply # Might need to wait a few seconds for the stack to completely start

Getting started


Login to the UI:

  • Open browser to localhost:9200
  • Change scope to RVP
  • Login with username tester01 and password supersecure. This is a test admin user.
    • OR: you can login with your GitHub or GitLab account. You will have read-only access to the RVP scope.
    • OR: configure oidc_group_admin in terraform/ to include your preferred_username and login with your GitHub or GitLab account. You will have admin access to the RVP scope.
  • Now you can perform all the actions available to you over UI


After running terrafom apply you should receive output similar to this:

keycloak_login = "export BOUNDARY_TOKEN=$(boundary authenticate oidc -auth-method-id=amoidc_aEffgDrBuT -keyring-type=none -format=json | jq -r '.item.attributes.token')"
sample_admin_login = "export BOUNDARY_PASS=supersecure; export BOUNDARY_TOKEN=$(boundary authenticate password -auth-method-id=ampw_M5k0qeDRe5 -login-name=tester01 -password=env://BOUNDARY_PASS -keyring-type=none -format=json | jq -r '.item.attributes.token')"
vm_01_connect = "boundary connect ssh -target-id ttcp_VYSIJl12Ga"
vm_02_connect = "boundary connect ssh -target-id ttcp_mLdplGvQZp"
vm_03_connect = "boundary connect ssh -target-id ttcp_aQXVmrSsN6"
vm_04_connect = "boundary connect ssh -target-id ttcp_OUhkAonyHn"
  • Using keycloak_login you can login with GitHub/ GitLab. A browser window will open and you will be redirected to Keycloak. After logging in, you will receive a token that you can use to perform actions over CLI.
  • Using sample_admin_login you can login with the test admin user.
  • All the vm_XX_connect commands will connect you to the VMs. You can use them to test the setup. Please note, that you need to have valid permissions to connect to the VMs. (If you are using Keycloak login, please edit the terraform/ as noted in the UI section)


Please keep in mind, this was my first time using Boundary and I'm not an expert in Vault. At the time of this project, Boundary was at version 0.11 and Vault 1.12.2.


  • Really flexible
  • Boundary has a lot of features in combination with Vault
  • Extremely nice Terraform provider
  • Good starting documentation


  • Too complicated setup for a use case that is not that complex
  • Boundary is relatively new: a few features are missing and the community is small (not a lot of examples/ blog posts/ questions on StackOverflow)
  • My main gripe was with how the open-source (OSS) version of the Boundary handles secrets. The HCP (Cloud) version provides a mechanism called Credential Injection. This means that no Credentials are actually forwarded to the user trying to connect to a resource, rather, they are injected in the Boundary Worker. Meanwhile, the OSS version provides only Credential Brokering, which means that the credentials are forwarded to the user. In my opinion, this adds this an unnecessary security risk. We can fix it by using things like Vault SSH OTP, but the setup is not trivial and requires quite a lot of configuration. A GitHub issue on this topic can be found here: hashicorp/boundary#2119

All the issues I ran into

  • Complicated setup of Vault OTP with vault-ssh-helper. I was running into a PAM error in the form of error: PAM: User account has expired for <USER> from <IP_DESTINATION>. After looking at this thread and trying everything that was listed there, the issue still persisted. I'm not really familiar with PAM and tracking logs inside of the Docker container was hard since it doesn't include system logs. What finally seemed to work was the command usermod -aG sudo ubuntu in the Dockerfile. Not sure why adding the user to the sudo group fixed the issue, but it did.
  • Couldn't list the created Boundary organization scope. Didn't realize, that putting Boundary into production tightens the permissions of the unauthorized user. The fix was adding the following to the Terraform configuration:
# u_anon is a special user that isn't authenticated 
# we must allow him, to view the auth methods, scopes and his own account
# (RVP scope)
resource "boundary_role" "org_anon_listing" {
  scope_id =
  grant_strings = [
  principal_ids = ["u_anon"]
  • When creating the auth method OIDC for Boundary (connecting it to Keycloak) the issuer was different than the address of the Keycloak server. Since Keycloak is running on localhost:8080 but Boundary communicates with it over dns keycloak:8080 the issuer was different. This is only a problem since we are running the stack locally. In production, the issuer would be the same as the address of the Keycloak server. The fix was to add socat TCP-LISTEN:8080,fork TCP:keycloak:8080 & to the entrypoint of the Boundary container. This forwards all traffic from port 8080 to the Keycloak container.
  • Related to Keycloak Terraform provider: Had to manually configure keycloak_oidc_identity_provider for GitHub. Couldn't get it working over Terraform, only over UI. What finally fixed it was:
resource "keycloak_oidc_identity_provider" "github_idp" {
  realm =
  alias = "github"

  provider_id = "github"

  display_name = "GitHub"

  enabled = true

  client_id     = local.envs["GH_CLIENT_ID"]
  client_secret = local.envs["GH_CLIENT_SECRET"]

  authorization_url = ""
  token_url         = ""
  user_info_url     = ""
  default_scopes    = "user:email"

Other notes:

  • To create the diagram you need D2
go install
  • The commits are squashed, since I accidentally pushed some secrets :o


A docker compose project with Hashicorp Boundary/Vault/Terraform + OIDC information from GitHub/GitLab over Keycloak + Credential Brokering with Vault + Vault SSH OTP using vault-ssh-helper




