EnrollMe is a scripting language designed to help ease the process of enrollment for UPRM's students. It achieves this by providing a simple and easy to learn framework where rookies and first-timers can simply enroll, drop, change courses in their schedule.
- Python 2.7 or higher
- Requests: HTTP for Humans
Make sure dependencies are installed; download, clone or fork repo to desired directory.
Please supply student ID for login purposes using the credentials.txt file, like this:
Open Terminal or Powershell, navigate to desired directory and run:
python EnrollMe.py
After entering the EnrollMe shell environment, students can enroll, drop and change courses. They can also see available courses and their current schedule.
enroll [course] [section]
drop [course]
change [course] [section]
available [course] [professor] [time] // Note: Professor field requires capitalized first name and last name
After session is finished, users can quit to close EnrollMe shell.
- Diego Figueroa - Lead Designer
- Jan Vega - Test Developer
- Wigberto Maldonado - Database Manager
- Luis Vera - Test Developer
Made with ❤️ by @diegofigs, @janvega1, @elalcalde, @luisvelop