A simple tool for repeatedly running Java MapReduce jobs and Java applications for the purpose of coarse-grained performance measurements.
The tool support three kinds of execution modes: plain (Java on the local machine), local (pseudo distributed MR jobs) and could (EMR jobs).
Arguments are passed to it via the command line and a configuration file. None of this is very general, the tool is tailored to a particular set of assignments.
mvn clean package
will create a self-contained JAR file with App.
Create a file named perf.txt
in the local directory. Invoke Java with, for example,
java -cp uber-perf-0.0.1.jar neu.perf.App -num=5 \
-jar=job.jar -kind=plain -main=neu.otp.Main \
-arguments="-query=A_3_Median" -input=../data \
-output=/tmp -results=results.csv -name=i-median
As sample cloud run looks like this
java -cp uber-perf-0.0.1.jar neu.perf.App -num=3 \
-jar=s3n://mrclassvitek/job.jar -kind=cloud -main=neu.otp.Main_A3 \
-arguments="-median -fsroot=s3n://mrclassvitek/ -awskeyid=$(AWS_ACCESS_KEY) -awskey=$(AWS_SECRET_KEY)" \
-results=results.csv -input=s3n://mrclassvitek/years14-15 \
-output=s3n://mrclassvitek/output -name=iv-medianfast
A sample perf.txt file could be:
num = 1
# how many time do we run this job?
results = results.csv
# where to store the time of each run?
jar = job.jar
# where is the code of the job?
name = iii-median
# how to call this job in the results.csv?
main = opt.neu.Main
# where is this job's main() method?
input = input
# where is the input data?
output = output
# which directory to use for outputs?
arguments ="-query=AvgPrice"
# additional arguments (other than -input and -output)
############### Hadoop Initialization ###################
hadoop.home = /usr/local/hadoop
# where is hadoop on this machine?
############ AWS S3 Initialization #######################
region = us-east-1
# where are we running?
check.bucket = s3://mrclassvitek
# what bucket are we using?
check.input = s3://mrclassvitek/years14-15
# where is the input data?
check.logs = s3://mrclassvitek/logs
# where are the logs?
delete.output = s3://mrclassvitek/output
# which directory should we delete before running?
upload.jar = s3://mrclassvitek
# where should we upload the jar?
######### AWS EMR Cluster Configuration #################
cluster.name = MyCluster
# how to name the cluster?
step.name = Step
# how to name the step?
release.label = emr-4.3.0
# what EMR release?
log.uri = s3://mrclassvitek/logs
# where are the logs?
service.role = EMR_DefaultRole
# role?
job.flow.role = EMR_EC2_DefaultRole
# role?
ec2.key.name = jankey
# which ec2 key should we use?
instance.count = 2
# how many nodes to provision?
keep.job.flow.alive = false
# keep cluster alive?
master.instance.type = m3.xlarge
# which master instance type?
slave.instance.type = m3.xlarge
# which node instance type?