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Merge pull request #54 from janvrany/pr/misc-improvements-11
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Misc improvements 11
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janvrany committed Sep 3, 2024
2 parents 5562067 + 111c438 commit 12ff5ea
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Showing 8 changed files with 82 additions and 94 deletions.
29 changes: 15 additions & 14 deletions src/Tinyrossa-Tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ TRCompilationTestCase >> setUp [

compilation := TRCompilation forTarget: target.
compilation config stressRA: (testParameters at: #stressRA).
shell := TRCompilationTestShell forCompilation: compilation.

shell := TRCompilationTestShell forTarget: target.

{ #category : #accessing }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,7 +201,7 @@ TRCompilationTestCase >> test01_bytecode_abs [

compilation compile.

self assert: (shell call: 2) equals: 2 abs.
self assert: (shell inject: compilation andInvokeWith: { 2 }) equals: 2 abs.

{ #category : #tests }
Expand All @@ -218,7 +219,7 @@ TRCompilationTestCase >> test02_iconst [
compilation optimize.
compilation compile.

self assert: (shell call) equals: x.
self assert: (shell inject: compilation andInvokeWith: #()) equals: x.

TRRV64GCompilationTests debug: #test02_iconst_p
Expand All @@ -244,7 +245,7 @@ TRCompilationTestCase >> test03_lconst [
compilation optimize.
compilation compile.

self assert: (shell call) equals: x.
self assert: (shell inject: compilation andInvokeWith: #()) equals: x.

TRRV64GCompilationTests debug: #test03_lconst_n
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,7 +274,7 @@ TRCompilationTestCase >> test06_iadd_discarding_value [
compilation optimize.
compilation compile.

self assert: (shell call: x ) equals: -1.
self assert: (shell inject: compilation andInvokeWith: { x }) equals: -1.

TRRV64GCompilationTests debug: #test06_iadd_discarding_value
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -316,7 +317,7 @@ TRCompilationTestCase >> test07_call_discarding_value [
compilation compile.

self assert: (shell call: x) equals: ((x == 0) ifTrue:[ -1 ] ifFalse:[ x ]).
self assert: (shell inject: compilation andInvokeWith: {x }) equals: ((x == 0) ifTrue:[ -1 ] ifFalse:[ x ]).

TRRV64GCompilationTests debug: #test07_call_discarding_value
Expand All @@ -330,7 +331,7 @@ TRCompilationTestCase >> test_example01_meaningOfLife [
compilation: compilation;

self assert: (shell call) equals: 42.
self assert: (shell inject: compilation andInvokeWith: #()) equals: 42.

{ #category : #'tests - examples' }
Expand All @@ -339,7 +340,7 @@ TRCompilationTestCase >> test_example03_signum [
compilation: compilation;

self assert: (shell call:-5) equals: -5 sign.
self assert: (shell inject: compilation andInvokeWith: { -5 }) equals: -5 sign.

{ #category : #'tests - examples' }
Expand All @@ -348,7 +349,7 @@ TRCompilationTestCase >> test_example04_factorial_i [
compilation: compilation;

self assert: (shell call:5) equals: 5 factorial.
self assert: (shell inject: compilation andInvokeWith: { 5 }) equals: 5 factorial.

{ #category : #'tests - examples' }
Expand All @@ -360,15 +361,15 @@ TRCompilationTestCase >> test_example05_factorial_r [
compilation: compilation;

self assert: (shell call:5) equals: 5 factorial.
self assert: (shell inject: compilation andInvokeWith: { 5 }) equals: 5 factorial.

{ #category : #'tests - examples' }
TRCompilationTestCase >> test_example08_bytecode_compiler [
TRCompilationExamples new
compilation: compilation;
self assert: (shell call:2) equals: 2 factorial.
self assert: (shell inject: compilation andInvokeWith: { 2 }) equals: 2 factorial.

{ #category : #'tests - examples' }
Expand All @@ -381,7 +382,7 @@ TRCompilationTestCase >> test_example09_signum_2 [
compilation: compilation;

self assert: (shell call:-1) equals: -1 sign.
self assert: (shell inject: compilation andInvokeWith: { -1 }) equals: -1 sign.

{ #category : #'tests - examples' }
Expand All @@ -393,7 +394,7 @@ TRCompilationTestCase >> test_example15_add_with_overflow_check [
TRCompilationExamples new
compilation: compilation;
self assert: (shell call: 16r7FFFFFFE _: 2 ) equals: 0.
self assert: (shell inject: compilation andInvokeWith: { 16r7FFFFFFE . 2 }) equals: 0.

{ #category : #'tests - examples' }
Expand All @@ -405,7 +406,7 @@ TRCompilationTestCase >> test_example16_factorial_i_with_overflow [
TRCompilationExamples new
compilation: compilation;
self assert: (shell call:13)equals: -1.
self assert: (shell inject: compilation andInvokeWith: { 13 })equals: -1.

Expand Down
110 changes: 55 additions & 55 deletions src/Tinyrossa-Tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Class {
#name : #TRCompilationTestShell,
#superclass : #TestAsserter,
#instVars : [
Expand All @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Class {
#pools : [
#category : #'Tinyrossa-Tests-Shells-SmalltalkX'
#category : #'Tinyrossa-Tests-Shells'

{ #category : #accessing }
Expand All @@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ TRCompilationTestShell class >> defaultImpl: aClass [

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
TRCompilationTestShell class >> forCompilation: aTRCompilation [
TRCompilationTestShell class >> forTarget: aTRCompilationTarget [
self == TRCompilationTestShell ifTrue: [
^ self defaultImpl forCompilation: aTRCompilation
^ self defaultImpl forTarget: aTRCompilationTarget
] ifFalse: [
^ self new initializeWithCompilation: aTRCompilation
^ self new initializeWithTarget: aTRCompilationTarget

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,48 +76,63 @@ TRCompilationTestShell class >> shellDirectory [

{ #category : #utilities }
TRCompilationTestShell >> call [
^ self callWithArguments: #()
{ #category : #accessing }
TRCompilationTestShell >> debugger [
self assert: debugger notNil.
^ debugger

{ #category : #initialization }
TRCompilationTestShell >> initializeWithTarget: aTRCompilationTarget [
target := aTRCompilationTarget.
self setUp.

{ #category : #utilities }
TRCompilationTestShell >> call: arg1 [
^ self callWithArguments: { arg1 }
TRCompilationTestShell >> inject: compilation [
"Utility: inject compiled code into the shell"

debugger memoryAt: self nzone put: compilation codeBuffer bytes

{ #category : #utilities }
TRCompilationTestShell >> call: arg1 _:arg2 [
^ self callWithArguments: { arg1 . arg2 }
TRCompilationTestShell >> inject: compilation andInvokeWith: arguments [
| argumentTypes |

self inject: compilation.

argumentTypes := ((compilation symbolManager lookupSymbolsByType: TRParameterSymbol)
sorted: [ :a :b | a index < b index ])
collect:[ :e | e type ].

^ self invoke: compilation functionSymbol with: arguments types: argumentTypes.

{ #category : #'utilities-private' }
TRCompilationTestShell >> callWithArguments: values [
| params |
{ #category : #utilities }
TRCompilationTestShell >> invoke: symbol with: arguments types: argumentTypes [
| linkage |

"Inject compiled code into shell"
debugger memoryAt: self nzone put: compilation codeBuffer bytes.
linkage := symbol linkageClass basicNew.

"Prepare parameters"
params := (compilation symbolManager lookupSymbolsByType: TRParameterSymbol) sorted: [ :a :b | a index < b index ].
self assert: values size == params size description: 'Number of formal paramerers does not match actual'.
1 to: values size do: [:i |
| param value |
self assert: arguments size == argumentTypes size description: 'Number of formal paramerers does not match actual'.
1 to: arguments size do: [:i |
| typ arg |

param := params at: i.
value := values at: i.
typ := argumentTypes at: i.
arg := arguments at: i.

param type validateConstant: value.
typ validateConstant: arg.

param type isIntegerType ifTrue: [
typ isIntegerType ifTrue: [
| argReg |

argReg := (compilation codegen linkage parameterRegisters: GPR) at: i.
debugger setRegister: argReg nameInGDB to: value.
argReg := (linkage parameterRegisters: GPR) at: i.
debugger setRegister: argReg nameInGDB to: arg.
] ifFalse: [
self error: 'Parameter type not supported yet: ' , param type name
self error: 'Parameter type not supported yet: ' , typ name
self debugger setRegister: 'pc' to: self nzone.

"Call injected function"
Expand All @@ -126,48 +141,31 @@ TRCompilationTestShell >> callWithArguments: values [
debugger c.

"Retrieve return value"
compilation functionSymbol type isIntegerType ifTrue: [
symbol type isIntegerType ifTrue: [
| retReg |

retReg := (compilation codegen linkage returnRegisters: GPR) at: 1.
retReg := (linkage returnRegisters: GPR) at: 1.
^ debugger getRegister: retReg nameInGDB
] ifFalse: [
self error: 'Return type not supported yet: ' , compilation functionSymbol type name
self error: 'Return type not supported yet: ' , symbol type name

{ #category : #accessing }
TRCompilationTestShell >> debugger [
self assert: debugger notNil.
^ debugger

{ #category : #initialization }
TRCompilationTestShell >> initializeWithCompilation: aTRCompilation [
compilation := aTRCompilation.
self setUp; reset.

{ #category : #accessing }
TRCompilationTestShell >> nzone [
"Return the address of nzone. See linker script."

^ 16r00080000

{ #category : #running }
TRCompilationTestShell >> reset [
self debugger setRegister: 'pc' to: self nzone

{ #category : #running }
TRCompilationTestShell >> setUp [
| shellDir |

shellDir := self class shellDirectory.
self assert: shellDir notNil description:'Could not determine directory with test shells!'.

binary := shellDir / ('shell-' , (compilation config target name readStream upTo: $-)).
binary := shellDir / ('shell-' , (target name readStream upTo: $-)).
self assert: binary isExecutable.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,18 +200,20 @@ TRCompilationTestShell >> tearDownDebugger [

(debugger notNil and: [ debugger isConnected ]) ifTrue: [
| shouldQuitDebugger |

debugger send: 'kill'.

(debugger inferiors anySatisfy: [:e | e isRunning ]) ifTrue: [
debugger send: 'kill'

shouldQuitDebugger := (Smalltalk includesKey: #VDBDebuggerApplication) not
or:[(Smalltalk at: #VDBDebuggerApplication) allInstances allSatisfy:[:vdbApp | vdbApp debugger ~~ debugger]].
shouldQuitDebugger ifTrue: [
debugger send: 'quit' andWait: false.
debugger send: 'quit' andWait: false.
] ifFalse:[
"debugger is either nil or SmallRSP's RemoteGDB"
debugger notNil ifTrue:[
debugger notNil ifTrue:[
debugger disconnect.
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/Tinyrossa-Tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Class {
#classVars : [
#category : #'Tinyrossa-Tests-Shells-SmalltalkX'
#category : #'Tinyrossa-Tests-Shells'

{ #category : #accessing }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ TRCompilationTestShellGem5 >> setUp [
gem5exe := gem5dir asFileReference / 'build' / 'ALL' / 'gem5.debug'.
gem5exe exists ifFalse: [
gem5exe := gem5dir asFileReference / 'build' / compilation config target gem5 / 'gem5.opt'.
gem5exe := gem5dir asFileReference / 'build' / target gem5 / 'gem5.opt'.
gem5exe exists ifFalse: [
gem5exe := gem5dir asFileReference / 'build' / compilation config target gem5 / 'gem5.opt'.
gem5exe := gem5dir asFileReference / 'build' / target gem5 / 'gem5.opt'.

self assert: gem5exe exists description: 'No gem5.debug nor gem5.opt found in GEM5_DIR/build/ALL nor GEM5_DIR/build/',compilation config target gem5.
self assert: gem5exe exists description: 'No gem5.debug nor gem5.opt found in GEM5_DIR/build/ALL nor GEM5_DIR/build/',target gem5.

gem5cmd := '<1s> --listener-mode on "--debug-flags=Decode" <2s>/ -c <3s> --wait-gdb --param ''system.shared_backstore = "/gem5"'''
expandMacrosWith: gem5exe pathString with: shellDir pathString with: binary pathString.
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Tinyrossa-Tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Class {
#instVars : [
#category : #'Tinyrossa-Tests-Shells-SmalltalkX'
#category : #'Tinyrossa-Tests-Shells'

{ #category : #running }
Expand All @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ TRCompilationTestShellQEMU >> setUp [

super setUp.

qemuCmd := compilation config target qemu, ' -g 1234 ', binary pathString.
qemuCmd := target qemu, ' -g 1234 ', binary pathString.

"First, start QEMU... "
qemu := OSProcess new command: qemuCmd.
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Class {
#classVars : [
#category : #'Tinyrossa-Tests-Shells-SmalltalkX'
#category : #'Tinyrossa-Tests-Shells'

{ #category : #accessing }
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/Tinyrossa/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ Class {
#superclass : #TRSymbol,
#instVars : [
#pools : [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -40,7 +39,6 @@ TRFunctionSymbol >> initializeWithName:nameArg type:typeArg linkage: linkageClas
name := nameArg.
type := typeArg.
linkageClass := linkageClassArg.
parameters := OrderedCollection new.

{ #category : #testing }
Expand Down

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