##Channel cleaning, auto-moderation/moderation, anime bot
developped by Maeeen (maeeennn@gmail.com) and Oxdeception
This is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License. See the LICENSE
file for more details.
Prerequisites Node 12.x, node-gyp, make/build-essential, sqlite3, git, tmux (if you wish to use the interactive shell)
Use your package manager to install these and/or the script provided by nodejs
Then do a git clone https://github.com/blubaustin/Yuno-Gasai-2.git
cd Yuno-Gasai-2
npm install
Ensure sqlite3 is installed
npm install sqlite3
Edit the config.json and DEFAULT_CONFIG.json to the bots and your needs
NODE_ENV=production node index.json to start the bot remove the NODE_ENV=production to use full stack tracing.