🌈 plt.colormaps A quick overview of all available matplotlib colormaps by showing a single heatmap. DSECRIPTION: The heatmap source data (points.npy) comes from PolSAR H/α target decomposition on the AIRSAR L-band San Francisco Bay benchmark dataset. Gallery ColormapVisualization prism_r YlGnBu_r Set3 BrBG_r terrain_r Pastel1_r Set2 flag_r YlOrRd_r copper_r Spectral_r gist_rainbow_r summer tab20c gray_r nipy_spectral flag twilight_shifted Set1 tab20b RdBu bwr Blues_r Purples terrain icefire gray Set3_r Oranges_r PRGn_r YlOrRd Set1_r Purples_r RdGy_r cool_r gist_gray gist_yarg twilight RdBu_r pink_r Reds twilight_shifted_r bone_r cividis viridis_r gnuplot2 PuBu_r gist_ncar_r YlGn RdGy Pastel2 Pastel2_r nipy_spectral_r PuBuGn GnBu crest pink tab20 GnBu_r tab20_r BuPu_r Pastel1 binary_r Paired_r mako_r OrRd_r Greys_r RdYlBu_r hsv magma winter CMRmap_r gist_earth_r cubehelix_r seismic PiYG seismic_r PiYG_r Blues RdPu_r turbo vlag Reds_r PuBuGn_r CMRmap PuRd RdPu Set2_r Oranges ocean_r spring Greens cividis_r tab20c_r flare_r gnuplot Dark2_r YlOrBr copper magma_r gist_stern_r RdYlGn rainbow_r plasma RdYlGn_r gnuplot2_r gist_yarg_r rocket gist_earth gist_heat jet gist_heat_r brg Accent tab10 brg_r hsv_r PuOr_r cool gist_gray_r turbo_r Spectral winter_r bwr_r binary Wistia icefire_r rocket_r YlGnBu Accent_r coolwarm inferno summer_r RdYlBu hot gist_ncar YlOrBr_r OrRd BuPu Paired bone crest_r autumn gist_stern PRGn tab20b_r Greens_r hot_r flare afmhot_r ocean plasma_r jet_r twilight_r BrBG autumn_r cubehelix prism gnuplot_r inferno_r spring_r vlag_r Greys PuBu Dark2 BuGn PuOr mako afmhot Wistia_r tab10_r coolwarm_r PuRd_r BuGn_r gist_rainbow rainbow viridis YlGn_r