Generate usernames with different alphanumeric combinations.
Names - The file containing the names.
Short Form | Long Form | Description |
-s | --surnames | The file containing the surnames. Default is None |
-o | --output | The output name file. Default is usernames.txt |
-mC | --min-chars | The minimum number of chars from the username. Default is 1. |
-xC | --max-chars | The maximum number of chars from the Name. Default is 25. |
-mY | --min-year | The year it starts. Default is 1942...No country for old men |
-xY | --max-year | The year it ends. Default is 2018. |
-n | --number | Add a specific number. Default is None. |
-u | --union | Select if you want a binding character ( _ . - ) etc. Default is None. |
-e | Select if you want email usernames ( etc. Default is None. | |
-ef | --emailsfile | The output file name for emails. Default is emails.txt |
-l | --leet | To convert to leet format (username -> us3rn4m3). Choices=[1, 2, 3, 4]. 1(e, o), 2(a, e, i, o), 3(a, e, i, o, s, t), 4(a, e, i, o, s, t, l, b, g). Default is None. |
-lf | --leetfile | The output file name for usernames in leet format. Default is leet.txt |
-d | --delduplicates | Sometimes the surnames are used as names and vice versa and this generates duplicates. |
-m | --mode | Results can be added or overwritten. Default is to overwrite. |
-h | --help | Show this help message and exit |