CMDJ1M7 – Integrated Smart Systems, Week 1 of IFTTT. An assignment in which we have to make a smart system inspired on the internet of things. The system listens to an arduino sensor value which is emitted to a server by the arduino wifi shield. A web application reads those values and settles you with an interactive UI. The interaction a user makes within the UI sends another set of data to the server which get's back to the arduino and drives an actuator.
- Jascha Huisman: 2121951
- Sam van Dijk: 2145548
- Danyra Boers: 2139852
- Eva Boomman: 2137927
- Farid Demnati: 2140483
Server Keys (JS):
// storage of arduino value
var getKey = "ZM5hJfzp";
// storage of JS interaction value
var sendKey = "7JrpHFhd";
Server Keys (Arduino):
// storage of JS interaction value
char getKey = "7JrpHFhd";
// storage of arduino value
char sendKey = "ZM5hJfzp";
Product Design: