Python wrapper for MultiMarkdown, which converts MultiMarkdown flavored text into one of several outputs formats. This package directly wraps the reference implementation, and provides a simple interface to the library.
The ctypes package is used to wrap libMultiMarkdown in a portable fashion.
This package requires MultiMarkdown installed as a shared library in order to function. For Windows and macOS, the shared library is included in the distributed package.
This package can be installed via pypi:
pip install pymmd
For Linux users, the shared library can be installed by executing:
python -c "import pymmd; pymmd.build_mmd()"
Which will download, build, and install the required library within the package's directory. This may need to be run with sudo if the package is installed to a system-level site-packages directory.
Verifying the package is working as intended can be accomplished via a simple test command, which should print out the MultiMarkdown version in use:
python -c "import pymmd; print(pymmd.version())"
Converting a string of MultiMarkdown directly to various outputs:
import pymmd
# Generate string of MultiMarkdown text named data
html_output = pymmd.convert(data)
latex_output = pymmd.convert(data, fmt=pymmd.LATEX)
#Generate a snippet
html_snippet = pymmd.convert(data, ext=pymmd.SNIPPET)
Conversion can be performed with the Transclusion capabilities of MultiMarkdown, either by specifying the directory name:
Files can also be converted directly from file:
import pymmd
#MMD file named data.mmd
html_output = pymmd.convert_from("./data.mmd")