The PiE Central Repo is our main central repository that contains a bunch of other PiE repositories, including...
- Hibike, our lightweight communications protocol designed for the passing of sensor data for the PiE Robotics Kit
- Dawn, our cross-platform frontend for the PiE robotics control system
- Runtime, the code in our beaglebones that handles communication, state, and student code execution
- Ansible-protos, our protocol buffers used by Dawn and runtime
- DevOps, which oversees axiom, frankfurter, and chrommunal
- Shepherd, our full stack field control software used during the competition
Note: You don't have to fork! Instead, make your own branch in the central repo.
$ cd {directory of your choice}
$ git clone https://github.com/pioneers/PieCentral.git
$ cd PieCentral
Naming convention: project_name/feature_name
Feel free to name "feature_name" anything and/or use more slashes.
e.g. dawn/UDPintegration, atalanta/andy/UDPintegration
$ git branch {project_name/feature_name}
$ git checkout {project_name/feature_name}
$ git push origin {project_name/feature_name}
Make sure any local changes to your code is pushed to your branch.
$ git add {file_name}
$ git commit -m "[PROJECT_NAME] {Short Description}"
$ git push origin {project_name/feature_name}
Open a pull request to master.
Code will be code reviewed by PMs.
Code will be rebased onto master. (Choose "Squash and Merge" instead of "Create a merge commit"). Make sure when merging your pull request you include a useful commit header and commit message.