Welcome to our example repository to integrate Jawg with Mapbox GL iOS.
Don't forget to set your access token in ViewController.swift. If you don't have any access token yet, get one on Jawg Lab.
SimpleMapViewController : Displaying a simple dynamic map.
AddMarkerViewController : Adding a simple marker on a map.
AddPopupViewController : Adding a popup with markers on a map.
AddGeometryViewController : Adding geometry on your map with GeoJSON.
ChangeLanguageViewController : Changing your map's language.
ChangeStyleViewController : Changing your map style using our default styles.
CustomStyleViewController : Using a custom style from Jawg Lab on your map.
You'll need to set a style ID in
to make this example work.If you don't have any style ID yet, go to Jawg Lab to create one or read the documentation for more informations.