本組參加「TBrain AI實戰吧」競賽平上的「玉山人工智慧挑戰賽2021夏季賽」,進行中文手寫影像辨識的任務,並將訓練好的模型部署在RESTful API Server上。比賽目標是預測包含一個文字的影像資料判別,目標類別共801類,分別為800字與1類isnull,故目標任務為Long Tail Classification,其中挑戰包含:繁體中文手寫字辨識資源較少、無部署API經驗以及資料包含雜訊,並且比賽方為模擬真實情況ground true label有許多錯誤需要清理。我們將在訓練模型前,對資料進行若干個前處理,包含:人工清理ground true label、Data augmentation(填白、resize、旋轉角度、水平翻轉...等),接著為解決Long Tail 問題,將800字分為12群,以階層式多model進行訓練,將外部模型的confidence output當作權重乘上內部模型預測的topk取argmax,獲得最終預測結果,骨幹網路嘗試Resnet-50和EfficientNet-b4,實驗結果EfficientNet-b4較佳且較穩定,在驗證集中內外模型都有約9成以上的Macro F1,但在測試集中效果不佳,推測原因為比賽方資料較多雜訊,而訓練集中我們為放入這類資料導致模型無法辨識這類影像。
Due to rules of the competition, the following data can not be accessed currently.
Raw competition data:
, containing 68,804 images -
Pretrained data:
, containing 250,712 images -
contains testing images and prediction data of formal cp 4 on 18 June~/cleaned_request/
contains labeled testing images requested on 18 June.
contains testing images and answer data of formal cp 3 on 17 June -
contains testing images, data, and answer data of testing cp 4 on 8 June -
contains cleaned and re-labeled images for the exterior model -
Other subfolders under
contains cleaned and re-labeled images with clustering for 12 interior models (0-11).
: the latest image data cleaned on 14-15 June. Please use this data foloder for future training and prediction.
: the word dictionary of competition data with 800 labels -
: the word dictionary of pretrained data with 4,803 labels
: Means, standard deviations, and model outputs (checkpoints, result plots).-
contains the pretrained model means,stds, and checkpoint with 801 words. -
: model checkpoints of interior model 0~/15-12-13-31/
: ResNet~/19-19-40-02/
: EfficientNet
: model checkpoints of interior model 1.~/15-12-12-44/
: ResNet~/19-19-38-34/
: EfficientNet
... and so on until
: ResNet~/19-hh-mm-ss/
: EfficientNet
defines the parser of arguments.main.py
: the main program of training and evaluation.trainer.py
define the trainer for training models with evaluation.model.py
define the model structures.predict.py
define the process of prediction with model structures in model.py.predict_test.py
the example of predict.py.
: training curves of all models. -
: Exploratory Data Analysis on the raw data with some simple descriptive statistics. -
: create empty subfolders with labels inword_dict.csv
. -
: train ResNet50. -
: load means, standard deviations, and model weights for training to predict new image inductively. -
: code for activating API, including the prediction function.