Functions for working with polynomials expressed using Kronecker products as well as associated Kronecker sum systems.
Used by various functions in both the QQR ( and NLbalancing ( software repositories.
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Optional: Get the Matlab functions for efficiently solving linear systems with a special Kronecker sum structure (laplace-like structure) at and detailed in the preprint: Recursive blocked algorithms for linear systems with Kronecker product structure, by Minhong Chen and Daniel Kressner. Place the directory "tensor_recursive" within the main directory.
[w] = calTTtimesv(T,m,k,v)
Given a cell array T containing m matrices where the dimension of T{i} is n-by-n^i, and the dimension of v is n-by-n^m, computes the product calT_{m,k}.'*v. The term calT_{m,k} is the sum of Kronecker products of matrices kron(T{i_1},kron(T{i_2},...,T(i_m)) where sum_{j=1}^m i_j = k.
[x] = kronPolyEval(c,z,degree)
Evaluates a Kronecker product polynomial out to a given degree. For example,
x = c{1}z + c{2}kron(z,z) + ... + c{degree}kron(z,kron(z,...kron(z,z)).
[c] = kronPolySymmetrize(c,n,degree)
Symmetrizes the coefficients of a Kronecker product polynomial at a given degree. For example, if c = [1 1 0 2];
c = kronPolySymmetrize(c,2,2)
returns c = [1 0.5 0.5 2], so the coefficients of the x_1 x_2 term is the same as the x_2 x_1 term.
[Y] = kroneckerLeft(M,B)
Given a cell array of matrices M where M(k) has dimension n1(k)-by-n2(k), and matrix B of dimension prod(n2)-by-m, computes the product:
Y = kron(M{1},kron(M{2},kron(M{3},...))) B.
[Y] = kroneckerRight(B,M)
Given a matrix B of dimension m-by-prod(n1), and a cell array of matrices M where M(k) has dimension n1(k)-by-n2(k), computes the product:
Y = B kron(M{1},kron(M{2},kron(M{3},...))).
[x] = KroneckerSumSolver(A,b,degree,M)
Solves the linear system
(kron(A{d},eye(n^(d-1))) + ... + kron(eye(n^(d-2)),kron(A{2}),eye(n)) + kron(eye(n^(d-1)),A{1}) + diag(M))x = b.
[Mv] = LyapProduct(M,v,d)
Computes the product of an N-way Lyapunov matrix with a vector v. Namely,
Mv = ( M⊗I⊗...⊗I + I⊗M⊗I⊗...⊗I + ... + I⊗...⊗I⊗M ) v
where there are d terms in the Kronecker product expressions above, M is an n-by-n matrix, and I=eye(n).
[S] = perfectShuffle(p,q)
Creates the perfect shuffle matrix coffesponding to (p,q). This is a matrix that is useful for Kronecker product permutation operations. For example, S takes a deck of pq cards, splits it into p piles, then produces a new deck by including the top card from each pile in cyclic fashion.
If A is m-by-n and B is p-by-q, then
kron(B,A) = perfectShuffle(m,p)*kron(A,B)*perfectShuffle(n,q).'