db2express-c V11.1 resources to build DB2 express-c image.
Download the db2express-c v11.1 package for linux from IBM website(v11.1_linuxx64_expc.tar.gz) and copy it into the db2express-c
Create the db2data volume that hold the data for the db2inst1 instance :
docker volume create db2data
into db2express-c
Launch the image build, take a look at the Dockerfile :
Once the build is done and no major error happens, you can run the container :
At Build time, there is actually no way to set the IPC option with the
docker build
command so at the end of the installation db2start do nothing and end with a SQL Error but the installation ends with a exit code 0
Now you can create database and do want you want, DB2 is alive, ALIVE !
To connect to the running container, you can use :
Check the logs, it come from the tail -F db2diag.log into the entrypoint.sh
docker logs -f db2