Python is a high-level interpreted programming language whose philosophy emphasizes the readability of its code. It is used to develop applications of all types, for example - Instagram, Netflix, Spotify, Panda3D, among others. Python is an interpreted language, which means it directly executes code line by line. If there are errors in the program code, its execution stops. This way, programmers can find errors in the code quickly.
- Introduction
- Lesson 1 - Configuration
- Lesson 2 - Hello World
- Lesson 3 - Variables
- Lesson 4 - Operators
- Lesson 5 - Strings
- Lesson 6 - Lists
- Lesson 7 - Tuples
- Lesson 8 - Sets
- Lesson 9 - Dictionaries
- Lesson 10 - Conditionals
- Lesson 11 - Control Structure
- Lesson 12 - Functions
- Lesson 13 - Poo
- Lesson 14 - Inheritance
- Lesson 15 - Classes
- Lesson 16 - Methods
- Lesson 17 - Exceptions
- Lesson 18 - Modules
- Lesson 19 - Dates
- Lesson 20 - List Comprehension
- Lesson 21 - Programming Challenges
- Lesson 22 - Lambdas
- Lesson 23 - Higher-Order Functions
- Lesson 24 - Errors Types
- Lesson 25 - File Management
- Lesson 26 - Regular Expressions
- Lesson 27 - Package Management
- Lesson 28 - Manager - Pypi
- Lesson 29 - File Objects
- Lesson 30 - Conclusions
- Next Steps
It is a multiparadigm programming language, since it partially supports object orientation, imperative programming and, to a lesser extent, functional programming. It is an interpreted, dynamic and cross-platform language. Administered by the Python Software Foundation, it has an open source license, called the Python Software Foundation License.3 Python is consistently ranked as one of the most popular programming languages
Currently the course is in process. The basic, intermediate and backend blocks have been started, and that was the initial objective of the project. And after that I don't rule out adding new lessons in the future, but I think that for the moment it can serve as a basis for anyone who wants to start learning this language.
- As soon as the course continues, I will update the repository and notify the networks. Thank you very much for all the support shown!
Visual Studio Code - The editor I am using
FastApi - The framework to create our Backend Api
MongoDb - The database used by our backend
Deta - To deploy our Api in the cloud