The purpose of this project is to generate walking distance data for a list of address to the nearest public transportation stops and then represent this data as a heatmap.
Our project is currently using python 2.7
- Install pip, virtualenv, and virtualenvwrapper if you haven't already.
- Clone the directory
- Go inside the RTAheatmap project folder
- Create virtualenv for this project
virtualenv --no-site-packages venv
- start your virtualenv by running
source venv/bin/activate
- run
pip install -r requirements.txt
To create the results, run
Below describes
The DataGenerator class pulls addresses and stops from an sqlite3 database object, it then inserts generated route data into the same database object. The first step of generating data is to generate this object and populate the address and stops tables of this database.
Insantiated a DatabaseHandler object while specifying the file path to the database you wish to create is sufficient to ensure that the database is created and that also has all necessary tables for RTAHeatMap to function.
handler = DatabaseHandler(db='db.sqlite3')
Once we have our database object, we can populate it directly from a .csv file. We need to populate it with both addresses and stops for the DataGenerator to function. We only have to do this once, but you can always add more addresses or stops!
handler = DatabaseHandler(db='db.sqlite3')
Note: the source .csv files for stops and addresses must have exactly two columns with a header row. The two columns must be titled, "latitude", and "longitude".
To generate data, we will need a .txt file which contains our API Key. You should name this file "api_key.txt" and save it to the same directory that you will run the Data Generation from (the RTAHeatMap directory is a good place). No need to set anything up at this step besides just making sure this file exists.
Now you have everything that you need to start generating data. Ensure that your working directory is the same directory that contains the .txt file that contains your API key as well as the database object. Then run the following:
generator = DataGenerator(handler=handler, wrapper=wrapper)
The default location for the database file is 'db.sqlite3' and the default location for the api key is 'api_key.txt' in the same folder that you run the analysis from. If you'd like to specify an alternative location for the database or the api key file run the following line before generator.begin():
generator.initialize(db='your_db.sqlite3', api_key='my_api_key.txt')
If everything has been setup correctly, you should start to see console output for each address and stop that is processed. It may take some time. The generated data will be added to the routes table of the sqlite database object.
The default mode of transportation when DataGenerator.begin() is called is walking. You can also specify driving or cycling by invoking begin with the mode parameter like so:
# OR
Once you have generated data, you can use the following command to output routes to a .csv file:
handler = DatabaseHandler(db='db.sqlite3')
Or, to output directly to a dataframe:
import pandas as pd
handler = DatabaseHandler(db='db.sqlite3')
df = handler.routes_dataframe()
# To get a dataframe of only the closest stop for each address:
df = handler.routes_dataframe_closest_stops()
The heat map is currently available at Details of how to make the heat map will be added here.
To contribute to this project:
- Fork this repo
- Make a feature branch for your addition
- Make your changes
- If implementing new functionality, include new tests
- Commit your changes to that branch
- Run all tests to make sure everything still passes
- Push the change to your fork
- Make a pull Request to this Repo and we'll merge your changes in
If you have questions about the project or need help setting it up, Open an issue or email