Semantic-based LaTeX resume template.
Migurdia aims at creating a resume template whose body is entirely free of formatting and styling except those specifically specified by the user. All sections and data groups are customized through key-value arguments and can be used or interpreted with ease.
We also support other languages with a single flip of a conditional switch.
XeLaTeX is required for using migurdia.
You may start typesetting your resume right away by just editing template.tex
aside migurdia.tex
in the same directory. Documentation can be found in migurdia.tex
above command definitions.
If you are using Overleaf, do remember to:
- set your compiler in the menu to XeLaTeX
- ensure that the main document is not
If you wish to enable CJK character support, you would have to uncomment certain sections in migurdia.tex
in order to have them shown naturally.