Docs available for setting up a local Docker dev environment!
- Allow aborting of writing an entry in the On Before Save procedure (return false in the procedure to abort)
- On Delete procedures now have access to the contents of the entry that was just deleted (variables named after the element handles in the entry)
- On After Save procedures have a new flag called $newEntry that will be true or false depending if the entry was just saved for the first time or not
- In the Data Handler class, the findFirstEntryWithAllValues method supports the IN operator. The values must be a valid comma separated set of values that will work in a SQL statement. This means strings need to be quoted.
- When building a dropdown filter for a list of entries, ignore blank values in the element when compiling the distinct values for the filter
- If you use an alternate database value for radio buttons, checkboxes, or selectboxes, but show the user a different readable value in the form and in lists, searches for the readable value now work (previously only searches for the database value would work)
- Better handling of numeric values used in conditions, where they are compared against linked fields (if they don't match a readable value, then they will be assumed to be foreign keys)
- Fixing layout of non-row subforms
- Updating the Google PHP API client
- Various touchups, cleanups, etc.