Portfolio website for the PHLL team.
You will be able to see the members and get some information about our team.
- Read through the task
- Identified sections to be included
- Skeleton Markup
- Create issues of features to add
Satisfy user stories to the best of our abilities in the given time.
- Add map to show location of our team
- Fixed Nav
- Smooth scroll animation
To make an awesome website promoting PLHH, that is accessible and responsive, based on these instructions
- Site has about page that has a short description about the company. It also includes icons and short descriptions demonstrating our core values.
- Team section lists the developers: their avatar, job title, job description and linked icons.
- Contact section with form (first name, last name, email and message inputs) and a link to email.
- Footer section containing social links.
Started off reading through the task, and decided to make a skeleton HTML and CSS file. One pair focused on the navigation/header and designing the whole page. The other pair focused on 'cards' - designing and coding re-usable cards for the about and team section. On day two, the team pair swapped and then one pair focused on responsiveness and overall design of the website, whilst the other pair finished the navigation (that uses only CSS and no javascript to open the menu).