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ServiceNow API Jenkins Plugin

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This is a Jenkins plugin that allows a workflow step to automatically build API requests for the ServiceNow API and return appropriately parsed values based on the type of API called.

It defines a set of configuration values that can be used to identify the ServiceNow instance information and configure the API requests.

Jenkins-ServiceNow Change Workflow

The central idea for this plugin is to allow the deployment process through Jenkins to manageeverything about a service now change. One of the first pieces from ServiceNow this plugin uses is the idea of a standard change producer. This allows teams to build change requests templates that their application uses when it is deployed.

Once these templates are created, the goal is to allow Jenkins to carry out everything necessary for the change request, from creation and data gathering (test results, commit messages, and approvals), to managing the change tasks within the change itself, all the way to closing the change request once it completes. This is implemented using the Step mechanism that is available to the Jenkins pipeline.

A standard change workflow can vary based on the ServiceNow implementation at your company. In general, there are pre-tasks, implementation tasks, and post-tasks, as well as change metadata. This plugin provides interfaces to interact with these tasks, update change metadata, proceed task workflows, and attach information from the build to proper locations within the context of a change request.

Plugin Usage

All Steps

Required Parameters

Every step must provide these two arguments in order to connect to the ServiceNow instance

  • serviceNowConfiguration
    • instance - Instance of service-now to connect to (
  • credentialsId - Jenkins credentials for Username with Password credentials or Vault Role Credentials, if including vaultConfiguration below

Optional Parameters


  • url - Vault url
  • path - Vault path to get authentication values


Required Parameters


  • producerId - Producer ID of the standard change to create



  • sys_id
  • number
  • record
  • redirect_portal_url
  • redirect_url
  • table
  • redirect_to


Create a service-now change and capture the sys_id and change number

def response = serviceNow_createChange serviceNowConfiguration: [instance: 'exampledev', producerId: 'ls98y3khifs8oih3kjshihksjd'], credentialsId: 'jenkins-vault', vaultConfiguration: [url: '', path: 'secret/for/service_now/']
def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
def createResponse = jsonSlurper.parseText(response.content)
def sysId = createResponse.result.sys_id
def changeNumber = createResponse.result.number


Required Parameters


  • table - Table of the item to be updated (ex. change_request, change_task)
  • sysId - SysId of the item to be updated
  • body - Json message (as String) of the properties and values to be updated




Update a service-now change with a short description and description

def messageJson = new JSONObject()
                short_description: 'My change',
                description: 'My longer description of the change'
def response = serviceNow_updateChangeItem serviceNowConfiguration: [instance: 'exampledev'], credentialsId: 'jenkins-vault', serviceNowItem: [table: 'change_request', sysId: 'adg98y29thukwfd97ihu23', body: messageJson.toString()], vaultConfiguration: [url: '', path: 'secret/for/service_now/']


Required Parameters


  • sysId - SysId of the change request


state - String representation of the state (@see ServiceNowStates)


Get the current state of a service-now change

def response = serviceNow_UpdateChangeItem serviceNowConfiguration: [instance: 'exampledev'], credentialsId: 'jenkins-vault', serviceNowItem: [sysId: 'adg98y29thukwfd97ihu23'], vaultConfiguration: [url: '', path: 'secret/for/service_now/']
echo response //NEW


Required Parameters


  • sysId - SysId change to get CTask from
  • ctask - String description of the ctask for querying (optional)


result - an array of results

  • sys_id
  • number
  • short_description


Get ctask of a service-now change

def response = serviceNow_getCTask serviceNowConfiguration: [instance: 'exampledev'], credentialsId: 'jenkins-vault', serviceNowItem: [sysId: 'agsdh0wehosid9723h30h', ctask: 'UAT_TESTING'], vaultConfiguration: [url: '', path: 'secret/for/service_now/']
def ctaskResponse = new JsonSlurper().parseText(response.content)
def ctaskSysId = createResponse.result[0].sys_id
def ctaskNumber = createResponse.result[0].number


There is often a desire to update a change task based on certain fields in the task. For example, you could update all planning tasks to closed based on their type or update a single task that matches a specific field.

This function will run either a query or search for a ctask name, based on the fields set on the serviceNowItem parameter. If there is a ctask field set, then it will not add the query string, as a query is intended to be more broad that the ctask field.

Required Parameters


  • sysId - SysId change to get CTask from

Optional Parameters

Must specify one of


  • ctask - String description of the ctask for querying (optional)
  • query - A more generic ServiceNow query to locate the task


result - a list of ctask sys_ids that were updated


Update all planning tasks to in progress state

serviceNow_updateTask serviceNowConfiguration: [instance: 'exampledev'],
  credentialsId: 'servicenow',
  serviceNowItem: [sysId: 'fd03ba34db4f9f40ec45b2bd2b96197d',
    query: 'change_task_type=planning',
    body: '{"state":"2"}'


Required Parameters


  • sysId - SysId to attach to (can be Change Request or CTask)
  • body - String body of file to attach
  • filename - Filename to upload into ServiceNow




Attach file to item in service-now

def myFile = readFile file: 'my-test-file.txt'
serviceNow_attachFile serviceNowConfiguration: [instance: 'exampledev'], credentialsId: 'jenkins-vault', serviceNowItem: [sysId: 'agsdh0wehosid9723h30h', body: myFile, filename: 'my-test-file.txt'], vaultConfiguration: [url: '', path: 'secret/for/service_now/']


Attach a zip file (from the current directory) to a service-now item

Required Parameters


  • sysId - SysId to attach to (can be Change Request or CTask)
  • filename - Filename of the zip file to attach




Attach zip to item in service-now

zip zipFile: '', glob: '*.txt'
serviceNow_attachZip serviceNowConfiguration: [instance: 'exampledev'], credentialsId: 'jenkins-vault', serviceNowItem: [sysId: 'agsdh0wehosid9723h30h', filename: ''], vaultConfiguration: [url: '', path: 'secret/for/service_now/']