Shorten (and improve) your reactstrap form fields!
import React from 'react'
import {HorizontalField} from 'reactstrap-form-fields'
export default () => (
<HorizontalField name="Full Name"/>
Instead of this:
import React from 'react'
import {Container, FormGroup, Label, Col, Input} from 'reactstrap'
export default () => (
<FormGroup row>
<Label for="full-name" sm={4}>Full Name</Label>
<Col sm={8}>
<Input id="full-name" type="text" name="Full Name" placeholder="Full Name" aria-label="Full Name" required={true}/>
npm i reactstrap-form-fields
name: 'Default Name', // used to generate id on <input/> and for on <label/>
type: 'text',
required: true,
children, // replaces <input/>
className, // on <FormGroup/>
...options // passed to <input/>
type: 'text',
name: 'Default Name', // used to generate id on <input/> and for on <label/>
required: true,
children, // replaces <input/>
className, // on <FormGroup/>
...options // passed to <input/>
name: 'Default Name', // used to generate id on <input/> and for on <label/>
...options // passed to <input/>
fieldType = 'horizontal',
name = 'Default Name',
required= true,
options, // passed as JSON array or hash eg. [{value: 1, name: 'One'}] or [1, 2, 3]
- After making change run
npm run build
to rebuild