- languages: javascript, typescript, css, html, sql
- frontend: react, redux, material UI, tailwind, emotion, sass, storybook, plotly, visx, leaflet, WCAG/ARIA
- backend: node, REST, firebase, express, mongoose, mongodb, postgres, postman, JWT, passport
- tools/tech: git, github, vscode, webpack, yarn, npm, nx, figma, confluence, redmine
- household expenses tracker (in progress) - live / README
- map itinerary builder - live / README
- photo tagging game - live / README
- shopping cart - live / README
- battleship - live / README
- memory game - live / README
- CV builder - live / README
- VEuPathDB: i currently work at this grant-funded, open-source institution. the majority of my contributions are in VEuPathDB/web-monorepo but i've made dozens of contributions to service code over the years too.
- visx: i submitted a bug fix that aims to improve the tooltip behavior with multiple points on the XYChart. we built a visualization on top of the visx XYChart component and the tooltip behavior was problematic. until visx accepts my bug fix, or merges its own fix, we are using a forked version of the visx/xychart library in our codebase that includes my changes, as described in this PR.
- Philadelphia Lawyers for Social Equity: this is a project supported by my local Code For America chapter (Code For Philly) that streamlines the criminal record expungement process by parsing court dockets and auto-filling expungement request forms. i submitted a PR that adds client-side form validation to the overall process.
- The Odin Project: my autodidactic programming journey was guided by the odin project's curriculum, resources, and community. the majority of my contributions to its repos leverage my former teaching experience by improving instructions or explanations in the form of reviews or PRs.